Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Columbus

Off to Europe in 1911—Are You Coming with Us?

03 Feb 2020 2 611
An advertising postcard addressed on the other side to Mr. Wm. P. Breen, Fort Wayne, Ind., and postmarked New Haven, Conn., June 8, 1911. Off to Europe Visiting Ireland, England, Scotland, Belgium, France, Germany Switzerland. Are you coming with us? We must know soon. Party sails from New York, July 8. 'Phone, wire, or write for reservations. A few choice berths left. Columbus Travel Society, New York office, 2075 Metropolitan Building. Gramercy 3438. Prof. J. C. Monaghan, pres. Mrs. B. Ellen Burke, sec'y. D. P. Toomey, treas.

Certificate of Reward, Given by Buttorff, Photogra…

14 Oct 2013 1665
R. H. Buttorff (1849-1934), a photographer in York, Pennsylvania, used an advertising trade card showing Christopher Columbus (below, front of card) to promote his "special highly finished 'Columbian' photographs" in 1893. The "Certificate of Reward" (above, back of card) that he offered to teachers for distribution to students was similar to the rewards of merit they were already familiar with. In addition to the usual student recognition for "deportment and standing in studies," however, this reward certificate doubled as a coupon redeemable for a half-price deal on cabinet photographs. Unfortunately for us, however, the expiration date was March 1, 1894.

Columbus Discovers Land

14 Oct 2013 2 1362
This advertising trade card showing Christopher Columbus (above) was intended to appeal to students. R. H. Buttorff (1849-1934), a photographer in York, Pennsylvania, gave cards like this to teachers, who could then reward students for good behavior by filling out the " Certificate of Reward " (below) that was printed on the back of the card. The certificate also offered a discount on special "Columbian" cabinet photographs that students could purchase at Buttorff's studio.

May I Be Permitted the Pleasure of Escorting You H…

21 Apr 2015 2 1 921
"May I be permitted the blissful pleasure of escorting you home this evening? Yours, __________. Two souls with but a single thought; two hearts that beat as one." Printed on reverse of card: "No. 100. Escort cards, 50 for 10 cents. (Assorted designs.) Crown Card Co., Columbus, Ohio." For other escort or acquaintance cards, see my Acquaintance Cards album.

What Have You Found Now, Christopher Columbus?

14 Oct 2013 2 2080
"At the World's Fair. Uncle Sam--What have you found now, Christopher? Columbus--Ah! At Last we have discovered 'solid comfort.'" Sign: "Re:Marks on Solid Comfort." -------- Text on back of trade card: If you want "solid comfort" you must have a Marks Adjustable Folding Chair. It combines in one a handsome parlor, library, smoking, and reclining chair, a perfect lounge and full length bed, and is altogether the best chair in the wide, wide world. In construction it is simple, durable, and elegant. Are you interested to know more about it. Catalogues fully illustrating the Marks Chair as well as a most complete line of invalids rolling chairs, invalid and library supplies will be furnished free on application to: Marks Adjustable Folding Chair Co., Ltd., sole proprietors and manufacturers, 930 Broadway, New York, and 215 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Frank E. Marks, pres., R. K. Thompson, sec. & treas. Philadelphia agents, John Wanamaker. San Francisco agents, Burr Folding Bed Co. Bigelow Lith. Co., Springfield, Mass.

J. A. Pfeifer and Company, Photographic Artists, C…

23 Apr 2012 1232
"J. A. Pfeifer & Co., photographic artists, 262, 264, & 266 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio. Pfeifer, Smith, Mulligan Bros."