Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Wisconsin

Girl with Ductwork

19 Jul 2018 3 1 500
Handwritten date on the back of this photo: Aug. 1941. Stamped on back: Peerless Photo Shop, Lacrosse, Wis.

Our Kind of Cantaloupe—How We Do Things at Lancast…

29 Oct 2017 2 678
"How we do things at Lancaster, Pa. Our Kind." Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr., of Waupun, Wisconsin, created this postcard in 1911.

Boy Scout Campfire Cookery—Big Flavor from a Spect…

08 Aug 2017 2 703
Wisconsin photographer Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr., created this fanciful scene of Boy Scouts roasting a larger-than-life potato over a campfire and published it as a postcard in 1912. This copy of the card was addressed to Mrs. Galen Groff, Kirkwood, Lanc. Co., Pa., R.F.D. #1, and was postmarked in Quarryville, Pa., on October 7, 1913. Handwritten message: "Oct. 7, 1913. Dear Aunt, As Ernest said, we were to come down for chestnuts. I thought I would write and tell you that Roy and I will be down on Sun. if it suits you and it don't rain, but if it doesn't suit you please let me know as it will be all right. Maud E."

Comparison of the Fish in Two Tall-Tale Postcards…

19 Aug 2016 1 1175
Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr., a Wisconsin photographer and creator of a series of tall-tale postcards, used the same image of a fish in two different postcards (see below).

This Is No Dream—How We Do Things at Ovid, Mich.

19 Aug 2016 1 690
A tall-tale postcard by Wisconsin photographer Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr. The large fish on this card (at bottom center) appears to be the same one he used on another card (see below for the other postcard and a comparison of the fish ).

Landing a Pike—How We Do Things at Harrisburg, Pa.

19 Aug 2016 2 937
In the early twentieth century, Wisconsin photographer Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr., created a series of tall-tale postcards featuring oversized fruits, vegetables, and fish. Johnson also used the image of the fish on this postcard for another one of his cards (see below for the other postcard and a side-by-side comparison of the fish from each card).

Fourth of July Railway Pass, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,…

28 Jun 2016 3 2 1245
Pass issued in 1935 by The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company (TMER&L. Co.), which operated streetcar lines in Milwaukee until the 1950s. "The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company. Within the single fare areas of Milwaukee and Racine only. Good from 5:00 a.m. Sunday until 5:00 a.m. the following Sunday. Not good on Wisconsin Motor Bus Lines. Pass must be shown on demand. 32273. July 4, 1776. 27. June 30 to July 6, 1935 incl. $1 weekly pass S. B. Way, president."

Easy Income Tax Calculations

14 Apr 2016 3 1049
This comic postcard, which was postmarked in Oswego, N.Y., on August 27, 1932, reveals that frustration with the complexity of income tax in the United States is nothing new. In fact, this amusing account of how to calculate your tax was circulating in magazines and newspapers as early as 1919. For one example, see " It's Easy ," published in the Santa Fe Magazine , August 1919, p. 58. Take My Advice–The Next Time You Make Out Your Income Tax Report It can be easily done by observing these simple rules. It may be worked out by algebra, astronomy, trigonometry, or syntax and then your answer may be correct or it may not be. If your income is $2,400.00 a year and [you have] a diamond ring or an automobile and you are married to a brunette girl, 26 years of age, you take the amount of the income and add your personal property, subtract your street number, multiply by your wife's height, and divide by your telephone number. If you have a child in the family, you subtract $200.00 from your income, add your collar size, add the child's age, multiply by your waist measure, subtract the amount of funds you have given to the church in the past year, and then divide by the number of your automobile license. If there is a second child you deduct $400.00 from your income tax, add the weight and age of the child, and divide by the date of your birth, multiply by the size of your hat, and subtract the weight of your mother-in-law. After you have it all figured out you won't have to pay any tax of any nature, for they will have you in the booby hatch and strapped down.

Apples–How We Do Things at Fearnot, Pa.

16 Mar 2016 2 1147
"How We Do Things at Fearnot , Pa. Apples." Postmarked Valley View, Pa., Oct. 11, 1912, and addressed to Clarence Wolfgang, Valley View, Pa. Handwritten message: "Dear Friend, I wish you good luck for every day. I came home safe. Hoping to hear from you soon. Minnie." A tall-tale postcard by Wisconsin photographer Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr. For a similar postcard with an automobile and oversized eggs and potatoes, see The Modern Farmer :

Nicolet Bay Campground, Peninsula State Park, Wisc…

29 Aug 2015 3 1048
Caption on the front: "Nicollet Bay Camp Ground, Peninsula State Park , Wis. E-764." Postmarked: "Fish Creek, Wis., Sep 7, 1949." Addressed to: "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potter, Woodhull, Ill." Message on the back: "Labor Day. Dear folks: This is where we located--lovely weather, fine time. Everyone swell. Bye, Hilda & M."

Attack of the 50 Foot Fish

05 Jun 2014 3 1380
Real photo postcard, postmarked Juneau, Wisconsin, Sept. 21, 1912.

Onion Harvest

02 Mar 2016 2 892
"How we do things at Ephrata, Pa." Wisconsin photographer Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr., reused these same onions in another tall-tale postcard that he entitled Onions (below).


02 Mar 2016 3 622
"How we do things at Jackson, Pa." These same onions appear in another tall-tale postcard entitled Onion Harvest (below), which was also published by Wisconsin photographer Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr.

A Happy New Year, Oscar C. Schloerb

31 Dec 2013 2 611
Probably Oscar Carl Schloerb (1858-1897), of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Thanksgiving Railway Pass, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, N…

23 Nov 2013 2 1127
Pass issued in 1935 by The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company (TMER&L. Co.), which operated streetcar lines in Milwaukee until the 1950s. "T. M. E. R. & L. Co. Within the single fare areas of Milwaukee and Racine only. Good from 5:00 a.m. Sunday until 5:00 a.m. the following Sunday. Pass must be shown on demand. Not good on Wisc. Motor Bus Lines. $1 weekly pass. 48. Thanksgiving, November 28. 88697. S. B. Way, president."

Simon's Texaco Station, Eau Claire, Wisc., Sept. 1…

12 Aug 2013 4 1348
Handwritten note on the back of this photo: "This is the place. Taken Sept. 12, '52. Come and see us." Handwritten by someone else: "[Eau] Claire, Wis. Simon's Gas Station." Signage on front of gas station building: "Texaco. Lear & Simon. Marfak Lubrication. Washing." Other signs, banners, and billboards around the gas station: Registered Rest Room. A Texaco Dealer Service. Grand Opening. Come in! Meet your new neighbor. B. F. Goodrich Tire. Defies skids! Grand opening today! Free gifts! Copenhagen. Outdoors, indoors, the best way to take tobacco. If you like beer you'll love Schlitz.

No Losers: Push, Push, Push, Push, Push

Pamper Your Man!

18 Jul 2013 1 948
"Pamper your man . . . and the whole family, too! Dremel Electric Shoe Polishers." This is the front panel of a folded product tag that was originally attached to a shoe polisher purchased in 1965 ("7-65" is penciled in on the back). Inside are brief descriptions of the different models--The Aristocrat, The Diplomat, and The Executive--and a service guarantee. The inside text begins with the statement, "This Dremel Electric Shoe Polisher is a man-pleasing gift the whole family can use--and enjoy." A "man-pleasing gift"? Yikes!