Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Landis Art Press

Halloween Masquerade Ball Ticket, Queen of Sheba T…

01 Nov 2019 1 1 540
A Halloween dance ticket printed by Landis Art Press, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who used the same decorative half moons on other tickets. See, for instance, Sophomore Barn Party Ticket, East Petersburg, October 27, 1920 and Hell'o'een Masked Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 29, 1920 . Masquerade Ball Will be given by the Anniversary Committee of Queen of Sheba Temple No. 137 on Thursday, October 31, 1940 in new Elk's Auditorium, 452 South Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. Music by Duke Norman. Prizes awarded. Best dressed. Most comic. Admission 55 cents.

Sophomore Barn Party Ticket, East Petersburg, Octo…

01 Nov 2019 531
David Bachman Landis of Landis Art Press (formerly Pluck Art Printery ) printed this Halloween party ticket for the sophomore class of a local high school or college. Perhaps it was for students at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and they may have taken the special 7:00 p.m. streetcar from Lancaster to East Petersburg, which is located about six miles away. Or possibly it was for a group in East Petersburg itself. Compare this ticket with two others that Landis that printed, one for a dance held two days later-- Hell'o'een Masked Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 29, 1920 --and another for a dance that took place two years later-- Black Cat Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 27, 1922 . Soph. Barn Party East Petersburg, October 27, 1920. Special car leaves square 7:00 p.m. Price per couple, $.150 [$1.50?].

Gothic and Sans Serif Type, Specimen List No. 15,…

22 Oct 2019 1 481
This is an undated specimen list advertising some of the typefaces that David Bachman Landis (1862-1940) used at his letterpress print shop in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Landis originally named his shop Pluck Art Printery, but this specimen list dates to sometime after 1914, when he changed the name to Landis Art Press. Specimen List No. 15 Gothic and Sans Serif Type Landis Art Press Blair Gothic 4 sizes 6 pt. - One two three four 3 sizes 12 pt. - Five six and seven Steel Plate Gothic 3 sizes 6 pt. - Two three four 3 sizes 12 pt. - Five six and seven Inland Gothic 9 pt. - CAPS and Lower Case to 48 pt. Sans Serif Bold 24 pt. : with Lower Case 18 pt. CAPS : with Lower Case 14 pt. CAPS : with Lower Case 12 pt. CAPITALS : with Lower Case

The Ben Franklin Club, Lancaster, Pa., 1916