Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Lebanon

Prof. George Roch, Music Teacher and Tuner of Orga…

19 Aug 2024 125
This is a bright orange nineteenth-century business card for George Roch (1852-1913). A number of directories list him as a music teacher or musician, usually with an address in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, rather than Lebanon. John H. Long (1850-1925) was a carpenter and organ manufacturer in Lebanon. Prof. Geo. Roch, Music Teacher and Tuner of Organs and Pianos, at J. H. Long's Organ Factory, Lebanon, Pa. 174 Instruments tuned between February 1, 1885, and September 7, 1885.

John Matthes, American House, Lebanon, Pa., ca. 18…

22 Oct 2019 1 592
John Matthes (1834-1894) was the proprietor of American House, a hotel in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. It's likely that this business card dates to around 1864, when Matthes ran a newspaper ad for American House. A later advertisement indicates that he was operating a wine and liquor store by 1873 (see below for the ads). American House Lebanon, Pa. Market Street, half-square south of Market House and one and a half squares from Court House. John Matthes, prop'r. The table is supplied with the best of edibles. The bar with the choicest of liquors. Extensive new stabling attached to the house. Handwritten name and year on the other side of the card : "Allen Longenecker, 1864." -------- Advertisement printed in the Lebanon Advertiser (Lebanon, Pa.), July 20, 1864, p. 4 : AMERICAN HOUSE, Market Street, Lebanon, JOHN MATTHES, Proprietor. The proprietor of this old established and popular HOTEL would respectfully inform the public that it will be conducted at all times to the comfort and convenience of its guests. It has been thoroughly refitted and renovated, and no pains will be spared to make the Table and the Bar, at all times, equal to any in the county. The STABLING and Yard are superior too, and more extensive, than any other in Lebanon. A new SHED is also in the course of erection, which will be completed in a short time. The patronage of the Farmers and the Traveling public generally is respectfully solicited. PLACE--West side of Market street, and half a square south from the Market House. JOHN MATTHES. Lebanon, April 6, 1864. -------- Advertisement in the Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, Pa.), Jan. 9, 1873, p. 4: "John Matthes' Wholesale and Retail Wine & Liquor Store, No. 33 North 8th Street, Lebanon, Pa."

Light Music

08 Jul 2019 4 2 685
I chose musicians in order to pick a theme about people (or any other topic) for the first week of Wild Card Month—Pick Your Own Theme! in the Vintage Photos Theme Park. The handwritten message on the front of this real photo postcard (see the left-hand side) is: "Vara Light, 928 Maple St., Lebanon, Pa. Answer soon." There's no stamp or postmark on the other side, but Vara Light addressed the postcard to " Miss Sarah Zimmerman , Linglestown, Pa.," and also wrote a message: "This is a picture taken at Mt. Aetna last summer. The one standing is my uncle, a minister. Also the one with the violin [meaning that the violinist is also one of her uncles?]. The lady with the guitar is my aunt. Am working now in Lebanon. Tell Miles to answer my card." This postcard back has an AZO stamp box (four corner triangles pointing up), which suggests a date as early as 1904 to 1918. Vara Katherine Light married William Hoehle Keller on September 1, 1910, and at that time her address was 330 N. 9th Street, Lebanon, Pa. It seems likely, then, that the card dates to sometime prior to their wedding. I haven't been able to identify which of Vara's aunts and uncles might be the musicians in the photo, but they may have been siblings of her father, Harry Henry Light , who was a prominent businessman in Lebanon, Pa. I previously posted a Small-Town Parade with Cornet Band and Church Float photo for the theme of people playing musical instruments in 2014 and another photo showing Pop Morehead's Family for the theme of musicians and musical instruments this past April. For other photos and ephemera, see my Music and Musicians album.

Union Steam Fire Engine and Hose Co., No. 1, Leban…

25 Feb 2019 2 713
"Union Steam Fire Engine & Hose Co., No. 1, Lebanon, Pa. 123-125 S. 9th St. (near Walnut)." Printed on the back of this postcard: "24224 - Pub. by Harpel's Art Store, Lebanon, Pa. Officers. President - Geo. T. Spang. Vice-Pres. - Wm. S. Rise. Secretary - Wm. A. Spangler. Treasurer - Chas. H. Killinger. Chief Eng. - Levi Hartz. Equipment - 2nd. size Amoskeag Engine, Hose Wagon. Organized Feb. 22, 1780. Chartered as Steam Fire Engine Co., March 19, 1866." According to an article that appeared in the Lebanon Daily News on April 22, 1970, p. 19, this was one of a series of fire company postcards published by Harpel's Art Store for the thirty-third annual convention of the Pennsylvania State Firemen's Association, which was held in Lebanon on September 10 to 14, 1912. For another Lebanon fire company postcard, see Liberty Steam Fire Engine and Hose Company, No. 3, Lebanon, Pa., 1912 .

H. G. Louser, Manufacturer and Dealer in Bicycles,…

21 Sep 2017 1 562
"H. G. Louser, manufacturer and dealer in bicycles. Guns, revolvers, ammunition. Agent for the Columbia. Bicycles rented and repaired. 50 North Ninth Street, Lebanon, Penn'a."

May Day Court, May Day, Lebanon Valley College, An…

01 May 2017 2 843
"Harpel 16." Handwritten note on the back of this photo: "May Court, L.V.C., 1934. Queen - Minna Wolfskiel. Maid of Honor - Gem Gemmill." The May Day celebration at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania, in 1934. For more information, see May Day, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa., 1934 (below). For other celebrations, see my <a href=" May Day " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">May Day album.

May Day, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa., 19…

01 May 2017 3 1 873
"Harpel 15." Handwritten note on the back of this photo: "May Day, L.V.C., 1934. Wendell and I danced around the May Pole." May Day festivities at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania, in 1934. Writing on the back of another photo (see below) identifies Minna Wolfskiel as the May Queen and Gem Gemmill as the Maid of Honor in the "May Court" that year. Luther G. Harpel or some other photographer from his well-known studio in Lebanon, Pa., captured the images of the event (evidently there were 16 or more photos, judging by the numbering on the photos). For another collegiate May Day celebration held in Pennsylvania in 1934, see May Queen and Her Court, Bucknell University, May 12, 1934 (below). For even more photos, see my May Day album.

Red Seal Dry Battery: The Choice of a Nation, 1919

08 Sep 2014 4 2 1474
The choice of a nation. Red Seal Dry Battery. Guaranteed for all open circuit work. For ignition and all other work requiring high amperage. Red Seal Dry Battery. For ignition and all work requiring high amperage. Positively guaranteed for all open circuit work. A battery suitable for every use. Battery of 5 dry cells connected in series. Voltage about 7½. Amperage above 20. Battery of 10 dry cells connected in multiple series. Voltage about 7½. Amperage above 40. The guarantee protects you. Ideal Auto Co., 19-21 S. 9th St., Lebanon, Pa. 1919. 1920.

Young Man with Straw Boater Hat and Badge

21 May 2015 3 1019
"Keystone Photo Studio. L. H. Wolfe, Lebanon, Pa." Mounted on cardboard with a printed decorative border.

Shaw's Harmony Boys, Dance Orchestra, Lebanon, Pa.

09 Jun 2016 1 408
"Shaw's Harmony Boys, dance orchestra. J. H. Dubbs, manager, Bell phone 1131J, Lebanon, Pa. Have you heard them?"

W. R. Shaw, Violin and Banjoist, Pennsylvania Sync…

09 Jun 2016 1 652
A list of "Coming Musical Events" in the Reading, Pa., Eagle for Sunday, Oct. 21, 1922, p. 34, mentions this music group: "Next Saturday evening the Pennsylvania Syncopators, of Lebanon, one of the best orchestras in the Lebanon Valley, will play [at the "Auditorium," apparently a Reading-area ballroom or other venue]." W. R. Shaw is also listed as the banjo player for another group, Challis' Collegians, on page 160 in L'Agenda of 1925 , the yearbook for Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. Here's a selection of other vintage music business cards:

The Valley Novelty Range Saves Money

03 Nov 2015 2 775
"The Valley Novelty Range saves fuel, labor, food, money. Labor avoided by conveniences. Food cooked nutritionally. Fuel burned economically. Large flues, large oven. Bakes perfectly always. The celebrated duplex grate. All the latest improvements: Beautiful high shelf. Elegant water closet. Hot water reservoir. Waterbacks for boilers meet every requirement. Every one guaranteed. Geo. Krause & Co., Lebanon, Pa." An advertising trade card from the George Krause Hardware Company of Lebanon, Pa., that extolls the virtues of a Valley Novelty Range. The same stove was advertised in a leaflet distributed by Reilly Bros. & Raub, a hardware store that was located in Lancaster, Pa. See Valley Novelty Range Is the One to Buy (below).

Early Biplane Photo by Harpel, Lebanon, Pa. (Detai…

05 Jan 2015 1 773
An early photo of what may be a Curtiss JN-4 "Jenny" biplane. Four aviators are standing directly in front of the propeller and engine of the plane. For more information, see the full version of this photograph (below).

Early Biplane Photo by Harpel, Lebanon, Pa.

05 Jan 2015 4 1123
An aircraft photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. An early aircraft photo by Harpel, Lebanon, Pa. Four aviators, who are standing directly in front of the propeller and engine of their biplane, are surrounded by men and children. Other people are visible in the background. The biplane may be Curtiss JN-4 "Jenny," which is well known as the subject of the Inverted Jenny postage stamp error. See also a detail from this photograph showing a close-up of the aviators standing in front of the airplane (below).

Lebanon Daily News-Times and I Wish You a Merry Ch…

14 Dec 2013 2 1193
"Lebanon Daily News-Times and I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Your newspaper boy, Harold E. Bressler."