Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: February 24

The Braden Entertainment with Edison Talking Movin…

17 Jan 2019 1 486
See the front of this ticket for more information. Richland House Hall Saturday and Monday, 7:30 P.M. Feb. 22-24.

The Braden Entertainment with Edison Talking Movin…

17 Jan 2019 1 2 541
The Nickelodean , a trade magazine for the early film industry, included a state-by-state listing of news "Among the Picture Theaters" in its issue for March 4, 1911. Under the section for Pennsylvania (p. 260), it noted, "A moving picture theater has been opened in the Richland House Hall at Richland." The Richland House was a hotel in Richland , Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, but I haven't been able to uncover any other information about this ticket or the moving picture theater held in the hotel's hall. Searching for "Braden & Funny Little Tommy" didn't yield any results either. The back of the ticket gives the dates of the shows as Saturday and Monday, February 22 and 24, without specifying a year. Thanks to Time and Date's Weekday Calculator , I was able to determine that February 22 and 24 fell on Saturdays and Mondays in the years of 1902, 1908, 1913, 1919, and 1930. Since the theater at the Richland House evidently opened in 1911, I'm guessing that this ticket dates to 1913. The Braden Entertainment with Edison Talking Moving Pictures Two hours of good show. Fun, travel, industrial, Wild West, cowboy, and lots of others. Braden & Funny Little Tommy. Bring this ticket first night only as you will have a chance to secure a Kalba diamond stick pin absolutely free. Admission, 10 cents. Free! Back of ticket: Richland House Hall. Saturday and Monday, 7:30 P.M. Feb. 22-24.

Smiling Around the Christmas Tree

21 Dec 2015 1 929
An indoor seasonal photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park ( seasonal - indoors or out - if you have both, feel free to post 2 photos ). Printed on the back of this photo: "This is a Kodachrome Print made only by Kodak. Week of Feb. 24 '58."