Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: newspapers

Who Was That Masked Man?

26 Oct 2020 2 464
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of Halloween (costumes, masks, jack-o'-lanterns, decorations, ghosts, gravestones, or anything else spooky or scary; no limit—post as many Halloween photos as you'd like) . A photo of a man (or possibly a woman) wearing a grotesque mask, overalls, suit jacket, gloves, neckerchief, and straw hat. He's carrying a cane in one hand and a package wrapped in newspapers in the other. Could this be a Halloween costume? If so, is he dressed as a farmer? Or do the cane and package suggest a stick-type bindle characteristic of a hobo? This is an unused real photo postcard with an AGFA-ANSCO stamp box on the other side, which indicates that it may date to the 1930s or 1940s. A couple of other details point to a specific locale. First, under magnification, the heading on part of the bundled up newspapers says, "New Era," so it's possible that it was the Lancaster New Era , a paper published in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Secondly, a pouch of "Good Bite" chewing tobacco with a fish logo is sticking out of the breast pocket on the man's suit jacket. The Good Bite brand of chewing tobacco originated in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. For some other disconcerting masks, see Costume Creepiness .

Breaking News

24 Aug 2020 2 4 402
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of adage illustrated (a photo illustrating a common adage—please identify the adage) . The old adage about two heads being better than one turns out to be true when it comes to a photo like this one. This is a nineteenth-century CDV showing two young women with their heads sticking out through the torn pages of a newspaper. And why did they pose like this? They were perpetuating a photographic joke that was popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. They're literally breaking the news or perhaps just looking through the paper . For other examples, see Breaking the News, Lititz Express, July 4, 1907 and Looking through the Newspaper .

Philco Television Set, 1948

13 Jul 2020 4 9 439
A photo of outdated technology (typewriters, record players, etc) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. This is a photo of a Philco 48-1001 television set, which was manufactured in 1948 and had a 10-inch television screen. I bought this along with a second photo showing 1948 Republican presidential nominee Thomas Dewey and his wife at the Republican National Convention , which was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in June 1948. The image of Dewey and his wife is actually a photo of the screen of this TV set taken during the broadcast of the Republican convention, which was the first nationally televised presidential convention . See also a cropped version of the second photo.

Girl Reading the North American Newspaper (Detail)

28 Apr 2019 2 583
A detail showing a close-up of the North American newspaper from a real photo postcard. For more information, see the original photo .

Girl Reading the North American Newspaper

28 Apr 2019 5 4 753
A photo of readers (people reading books or magazines) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. (Or people reading newspapers? Hopefully my fellow VPTPers will indulge my topic drift from magazines to newspapers.) A real photo postcard of a young girl holding an issue of the North American newspaper (mouse over the image for a close-up view of the paper —I haven't been able to determine a date or decipher any of the headlines, unfortunately). The girl has a smirk on her face and a pair of pince-nez glasses on her nose as she looks down at her newspaper. I'm not sure what might be in the case that's on the floor next to her chair.

President Roosevelt Dead at 63

06 Aug 2017 2 1 408
A photo of a person or people reading for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Snapshot of a man reading the headline, "President Roosevelt Dead at 63," which appeared in the Stars and Stripes newspaper following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945.

Ithaca Journal Extra Cigar Box Label

18 Apr 2016 2 2 1050
"Ithaca Journal Extra. D.B.S. Manufactured by D. B. Stewart & Co. Ithaca Journal."

Looking through the Newspaper

13 Apr 2015 5 1603
A French hand-tinted real photo postcard. For another postcard with a similar image, see Breaking the News, Lititz Express, July 4, 1907 :

Matrimonial Mistakes Lecture, Oberlin, Pa., Oct. 4…

14 Oct 2013 1619
Lecture To-night Rev. Thos. Coke Carter, D.D., will deliver his humorous lecture on Matrimonial Mistakes in the Oberlin U.B. Church, Thursday evening, October 4, 1900, at 7.45 o'clock. Dr. Carter is a lecturer of national reputation, and this is one of his most charming lectures. The press of the country speak in the highest terms of the lecture and lecturer. If you wish to drive away the blues, hear this lecture and have a good laugh. Admission, 15c. Two tickets, 25c. Advocate and Verdict Print, Steelton, Pa. -------- It's difficult to get a sense of what Rev. Thos. Coke Carter spoke about in his "Matrimonial Mistakes" lecture based upon this printed announcement, but the following account--published over six years later after Carter had become a bishop in his church--provides some details: Entertaining Lecture: Was "Matrimonial Mistakes" Delivered at the Court-house Monday Evening The lecture in the Court-house, Monday evening, by Bishop T. C. Carter, of Chattanooga, on Matrimonial Mistakes was a treat to all who heard it. From beginning to close the lecture was one of sound logic, interspersed with humor and adorned with sentiment. The many mistakes, their origins and fearful consequences were vividly pictured but the crowning feature, the full weight of the discourse, was directed to a higher and broader conception of matrimonial relations, the wisdom displayed in choice, and the blessings that reign over the homes of the fortunate in wedlock. If this lecture could be delivered throughout the country, it would prove a great blessing and would doubtless save many an erring one from a fatal step, disperse misery, and install happiness in many homes. The lecturer was introduced by Gov. J. R. Hindman in his usual happy manner, after listening to inspiring music made by the Columbia Band. In closing Bishop Carter dwelt on the tender memories of early life and paid a just tribute to home--one that impressed his many hearers with its many blessings, after which the Band played "Home Sweet Home." Adair County News (Columbia, Adair County, Kentucky), Wed., April 3, 1907, p. 1 , col. 1. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress.

Remember Green Erin

06 Mar 2015 2 1130
"Remember green Erin. The morn's mornin' to you! Painting only copyrighted by the Int. Art Pub. Co. 1908." A Saint Patrick's Day postcard by artist Ellen Clapsaddle .

Goofey Gang Membership Card, 1929

29 Aug 2014 5 1592
"Membership card. This is to certify that Portia J. Gross as a Goofey Movie fan has been made an annual member of the Goofey Gang, 1929. Phil Strongbred, president. Not transferable. Member's signature." Cartoonist Fred Neher (1903-2001) issued this Goofey Gang membership card for young fans of his Goofey Movies comic strip. For an example of Neher's work, see " Goofey Movies Presents Tough Turkey ", a Goofey Movies strip published on January 3, 1929, which is available as part of the Ohio State University Libraries' Cartoon Image Database (select the Toggle Full Page button there for a better view of the image).

The Detroit Evening Journal, Three Editions Daily

04 Apr 2017 4 2 482
Even the Victorians had breaking news, as this nineteenth-century advertising trade card demonstrates. "The Detroit Evening Journal. Three editions daily. 2¢. per copy, 10¢ per week by carrier. Associated Press dispatches. United Press dispatches. The Henderson-Achert Co. Litho. Cincinnati."

Looking Through the News

08 Apr 2019 1 496
Do you have ideas for future topics for the Vintage Photos Theme Park ? If so, please add them to the Suggestion Box ! A photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park monthly topic of cats (submit a photo on this topic each week in addition to—or instead of—a photo for the weekly topic) . "Looking through the news you may see something which might interest you. I will send the papers to you. J.R." A real photo postcard with a cat that's literally looking through a newspaper in 1906. For another postcard with a similar punning message, see Breaking the News, Lititz Express, July 4, 1907 .

Breaking the News, Lititz Express, July 4, 1907

18 Jun 2014 5 1 1568
"The Lititz Express." Printed on the back of this postcard: "Souvenir, July 4, 1907. Power demonstration on Express Printing Company's float." Evidently, the Lititz Express , a newspaper published until the 1930s in Lititz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, printed this punning illustration with a press on board its Fourth of July parade float in 1907. I've heard of souvenir printings "on the ice" for frost fairs when the River Thames in London froze over in past centuries, and I have some menus and other items that were printed aboard ships during cruises, but I can't recall seeing anything else printed during a parade. Has anyone else encountered any other examples of printing on ice, parade float, ship, train, plane, automobile, or in any other unique circumstances?

Corny Ears

01 Apr 2014 3 1 1536
A real photo postcard, probably from Iowa, circa 1910s. There are newspaper pages underneath the ears of corn that the guy is holding, and details from the top corners of two pages are barely visible under enlargement. The headline of an article on one page begins with "Iowa M," and "[In]heritance" seems to be part of a section header on another page. At the top of the Inheritance page, the partial newspaper name and date looks like: "and Leader, Sunday Morning, November 14, 1910" (Leader, Sunday, Morning, and November are the only words that I'm reasonably sure about; another problem is that November 14 in 1910 wasn't a Sunday). If "Iowa" is a clue about the newspaper's origin, then perhaps the paper was the Davenport Democrat and Leader or the Des Moines Register and Leader .

Groundhog Brand Hams, Bacon, and Lard, 1929

01 Feb 2015 1 1 1171
"Punxsutawny Beef and Provision Company, Punxsutawny, Penna., packers-manufacturers, beef, pork, veal, lambs, and provisions. H. A. Philliber, general manager. John F. Philliber, business manager. Groundhog Brand hams, bacon, and lard. Weather for today. Date: 11/4/29. Forwarded by: Truck." Punxsutawney , Pennsylvania, is home to Punxsutawney Phil , the famous rodent who predicts the weather each year on Groundhog Day , which is celebrated on February 2. The Punxsutawney Beef and Provision Company used an illustration of its hometown groundhog--complete with an umbrella and "Weather for Today" newspaper report--as the logo on this 1929 billhead. For an example of the company's logo on a matchbook cover, see Groundhog Brand Pure Kettle-Rendered Lard .

Groundhog Brand Pure Kettle-Rendered Lard

29 Jan 2014 3 1330
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, is home to Punxsutawney Phil , the famous rodent who predicts the weather on Groundhog Day , which is celebrated each year on February 2. It's not surprising, then, that the Punxsutawney Beef and Provision Company used a Groundhog Day-themed logo. Notice that the groundhog on the matchbook cover is holding an umbrella and a newspaper with a "Weather For Today" headline. -------- "Pure kettle-rendered lard, Punxsutaweny Beef and Provision Company, Punxsutawney, Pa. Weather For Today. Close cover before striking." "Groundhog Brand ham, bacon, lard, and sausages. Punxsutawney, Pa. Punxsutawney Beef and Provision Company, packers-manufacturers, beef, pork, veal, lambs, provisions. Lion Match, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa."

Carriers' Annual Address, Harrisburg Daily Patriot…

31 Dec 2013 1308
See the full version (above), top half , and bottom half . -------- Carriers' Annual Address to the Patrons of the Harrisburg Daily Patriot, Wednesday, January 1, 1879 Headline of newspaper in illustration: "A Happy New Year." -------- Carriers' Address A year has closed a circle again That ne'er can be broken by power of men; so list to a song of its woe and its cheer, A song of the sad, glad, dead old year, 'Tis the carriers' song, the carriers true Who've served you the news the whole year through. Oh, we are the carriers, ready and swift! We whistle right merrily all the way. As, bringing the latest news from the world, We hurry along in the morning gray. Oh, what cared we for the springtime fair, The budding trees and its opening flowers! Oh, what cared we for its sunshine sweet, Or its smirching mud and its drenching showers! The Turk had been crushed by the Czar's bold hosts, And peace would now reign in lands over the sea; In Congress, to keep peace all Europe would meet; --And we carried the news of these great things to be. Then William the good king of Prussia was shot-- We must carry the news--all Prussia was stirred. Then Mercedes died, the sweet Spanish queen, And from Spain the voice of sorrow was heard. Soon all in the cool, the sweet-scented shade Of the fresh summer morning we hurried along, Ere yet the fierce heat of the day had shone out, While caroled each bird his blithest, best song. But no time to enjoy these, for up from the South The voice of the fever-struck, praying, had come For help from the North in their day of distress, And we carried the prayer into each northern home. And then in the hazy, beautiful morn, All tinted with shades of the gold autumn days, We saw o'er the trees decked in numberless hues, The round, rising sun in its first glory blaze. But we cared not, we cared not for beauty of earth, For out on the pitiless, treacherous deep A shipload of lives had gone down in the night, And we bore the sad news that caused many to weep. Oh, cold, oh cold was the winter's wild blast, And blinding and thick was the hard-blowing snow! What cared we, what cared we for winter so drear! Let the snow drift deep and the cold winds blow! We carried the news of another ship lost-- The news of the day Congress opened its doors-- Of Beaconsfield's speech--the campaign in the East-- The heralds of "wars and rumors of wars." And now on our rounds the whole round year We've tirelessly traveled. To some have been sad The tidings we've brought, but as well have we brought The news that has made full many hearts glad. If the news that we faithfully lay at your doors Make sad hearts or glad hearts, we can never say; And we never would know. We travel our rounds And whistle right merrily all the way.

23 items in total