Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Third Street

Hipple Bros. & Co., Inc., Leaf Tobacco, Philadelph…

21 Mar 2019 1 662
For other tobacco dealer cards, see S. N. Mumma and Co., Packers of and Dealers in Leaf Tobacco, Landisville, Pa. , and Benj. H. Brubaker, Dealer and Packer of Pennsylvania Seed-Leaf Tobacco, East Petersburg, Pa. Hipple Bros. & Co., Inc. Leaf Tobacco Main Office, 151 N. Third St., Philadelphia Packing Warehouse, Cor. Duke & Chestnut Sts., Lancaster, Pa.

J. Shisler, Dealer in Family Groceries, Harrisburg…

08 Oct 2012 1 1543
"J. Shisler, agt., dealer in selected family groceries, pure coffees, spices, and good teas, Third St. (opposite Opera House), Harrisburg." This is one of a six-part "Comic Visiting" card series printed by E. Currier & Co., Boston (probably related to the Currier of Currier & Ives but I'm not sure how). Other cards show a woman trying to attract a cat with a saucer of milk , a man peering through his eyeglasses at an owl, and a baby dangling a cup or something else to get a dog's attention.

S. H. Rial, Proprietor, Merchants Hotel, Pittsburg…

21 Apr 2017 2 582
"Merchants Hotel, corner of Smithfield and Third Sts., Pittsburgh. S. H. Rial, proprietor." S. H. Rial used this tiny business card to promote the hotel he managed, and he also placed the following advertisement in the Daily Post (Pittsburgh, Pa.), July 6, 1866, p. 2. MERCHANTS' HOTEL. Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, Pittsburgh. This old favorite hotel, having been thoroughly renovated, repaired, and refurnished, is now open for the reception of guests. The proprietor (formerly of St. Charles) expects from its central location, his experience, determination to please, and by moderate charges, to deserve and receive a liberal patronage. S. H. Rial, proprietor.

A. B. Tack, Practical Paper Hanger and Decorator,…

25 Apr 2016 1 2 1001
"A. B. Tack, practical paper hanger and decorator, 1210 N. 3d St., Harrisburg, Pa. Full assortment of wall paper and window shades always on hand."

Wishing You a Happy New Year, J. P. Baker, Traveli…

06 Jan 2015 4 2344
"Wishing You a Happy New Year, J. P. Baker, Trav. Ag't, Harrisburg, Pa. Buckeye. 1895. 1896. Buckeye. J. H. Trezise, 1125-27 N. Third St., H'b'g." This is a unique photographic New Year greeting that depicts Father Time--carrying an old-fashioned scythe and designated as "1895"--worriedly running away from an overdressed gent who's uttering the word "Buckeye" as he tips his hat and rides atop a newfangled "1896" mechanical reaping machine pulled by a bevy of Cupid-like putti . The inset to the right of this imaginative scene is a photo of "J. P. Baker," who's identified as a traveling agent (salesman) from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Dressed in a hat, cravat, vest, and suit coat, Baker appears to be the model for the gussied-up guy riding the reaper. Although I haven't uncovered any specific information regarding J. P. Baker, I suspect that he may have worked for Aultman, Miller & Co., manufacturer of Buckeye Harvesting Machinery, which had an office at 625 Walnut Street in Harrisburg, according to Boyd's Directory of Harrisburg and Steelton for 1895. The company sold a variety of agricultural equipment for mowing, reaping, threshing, and other tasks (to see a fascinating early silent film clip of a Buckeye machine in operation in Australia, take a look at Wheat Harvesting with Reaper and Binder -1899 ). J. P. Baker evidently used this photograph to wish a happy New Year to his friends and business associates and to promote himself and his Buckeye machines to customers.

Hoyer and Milnor's Great 99¢ Store, Harrisburg, Pa…

01 May 2014 7 2 977
"Hoyer & Milnor, Great 99¢ Store, 29 Third St., Harrisburg, Pa." A Victorian-era advertising trade card with an illustration of an early tricycle.

Pouting Baby with Hidden Mother's Arm, Harrisburg,…

23 Sep 2013 1 3 1243
"John D. Lemer, 1218 North 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa." For the Vintage Photos Theme Park, a hand in the photo with the person cut off .* For more of the same, track down a copy of Linda Fregni Nagler and Gioni Massimiliano's book, The Hidden Mother (London: MACK, 2013), which is a compilation of over 1,000 vintage photos of mothers attempting to remain hidden as they comfort children who are being photographed. *I try to sort through my collection in order to post a brand new photo for each week's theme, but I came up short this week and had to use one that I had previously posted elsewhere on Ipernity.

W. H. Shoemaker, Sheet Music, Pianos, Organs, Harr…

29 May 2013 1 2 1197
W. H. Shoemaker, sheet music, pianos, organs, music books, No. 11 South Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa.