Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: donations

Hope Fire Co. No. 2 Bazaar and Fair

11 Apr 2018 2 460
The 1893 edition of Boyd's Directory of Harrisburg and Steelton , p. 29, lists a "Hope Steam Fire Engine Co., No 2," in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with an address on "2d [Street] bet[ween] State and North," and I believe that this is the same "Hope Fire Co. No. 2" described here, with a fire house located at "Second and North Streets." Although the fire company itself no longer exists, the "Hope Station" building is now the Fire House Restaurant . "Bazaar and fair, Hope Fire Co. No. 2, March 18 to 25 inclusive. We cordially invite you, your family, and friends to attend this bazaar and fair, which will be held in the parlor of fire house, Second and North Streets. Something doing every minute. Donations of cakes and candies will be appreciated. Admission free, everyone welcome. Raysor, printer."

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

31 Oct 2013 4 1489
Happy Halloween! Restless kids dressed in their Halloween costumes pose for the photographer in order to demonstrate their participation in the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF fundraising program, which has been taking place since 1950 (I'm guessing that this photo may date to the 1960s). The mom and dad are placing coins in the UNICEF collection boxes that the kids are holding. It looks to me like the kids are impatiently enduring this interruption to their evening of trick-or-treating (the girl in the center, who's grudgingly holding a collection box with her arms crossed, seems to be barely tolerating the situation). And the forced smile on the mother's face is certainly different from the pleasant expression on the father's--he seems to be the only one who's actually getting into the spirit of things!