Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: travel

Off to Europe in 1911—Are You Coming with Us?

03 Feb 2020 2 610
An advertising postcard addressed on the other side to Mr. Wm. P. Breen, Fort Wayne, Ind., and postmarked New Haven, Conn., June 8, 1911. Off to Europe Visiting Ireland, England, Scotland, Belgium, France, Germany Switzerland. Are you coming with us? We must know soon. Party sails from New York, July 8. 'Phone, wire, or write for reservations. A few choice berths left. Columbus Travel Society, New York office, 2075 Metropolitan Building. Gramercy 3438. Prof. J. C. Monaghan, pres. Mrs. B. Ellen Burke, sec'y. D. P. Toomey, treas.

Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Employee Pass, 1908

31 Dec 2014 1 861
See also a 1909 version of this pass. Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 1908 Pass T. D. Leader and wife, foreman carpenters, Altoona Car Shops, over the Eastern & Western Pennsylvania Divisions, during the year 1908, unless otherwise ordered when signed by G. W. Creighton. Not good on Penna. Special or Penna. Limited or Trains 43 or 44. Employee. 2217. G. W. Creighton, gen'l supt., Eastern Penna. Div. S. C. Long, gen'l supt., Western Penna. Div.

Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Employee Pass, 1909

31 Dec 2014 1 907
See also a 1908 version of this pass. Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 1909 Pass T. D. Leader and wife, foreman carpenters, Altoona Car Shops, over the Eastern & Western Pennsylvania Divisions, during the year 1909, unless otherwise ordered when signed by G. W. Creighton. Not good on Penna. Special or Penna. Limited or Trains 43 or 44. Employee. 593. G. W. Creighton, gen'l supt., Eastern Penna. Div. S. C. Long, gen'l supt., Western Penna. Div.

Steamboat Ticket, Excursion to Fort Madison, Iowa,…

05 Mar 2018 1 3 539
"Excursion to Ft. Madison, given by Benevolent Union. Steamer W. W. Saturday, June 29, 1907. Adults, 50c."

Steamboat Ticket, Reading, Pa., to Klapperthal Pav…

15 Dec 2017 1 749
A child's ticket for a steamboat trip on the Schuylkill River between Reading, Pennsylvania, and the Klapperthal Pavilion, which was located outside of town and contained a dance floor, restaurant, and other amenities. The back of the ticket is stamped "Jul. 4, 1896." Captain John A. Hiester (1842-1922) built boats and ran steamboats on the Schuylkill for many years. See also Reading Steamboat Company Ticket, Reading, Pa., to High's Grove . Steamboats Iona, Golden Eagle, and Atlantic Reading to Klapperthal and return (down) (up). Capt. John A. Hiester. Children's ticket.

Reading Steamboat Company Ticket, Reading, Pa., to…

21 Nov 2014 1 2 918
"Reading Steamboat Co., this ticket is good for one passage from Reading to High's Grove. Good for this day only. Reading Steamboat Co. Return ticket from High's Grove to Reading." The Reading Steamboat Company operated steamboats on the Schuylkill River in the city of Reading, Pennsylvania, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A front-page article in the Reading Eagle newspaper for Monday, August 3, 1903, for instance, included this brief report about company operations: "Steamboat Trips. The Reading Steamboat Co. made trips with its steamboat, 'The City of Reading,' on the Schuylkill [River] between Hain's and Kissinger's locks Sunday [August 2], and carried hundreds of passengers. The round trip was 1½ miles. The vessel will ply between the same points next Sunday."

Hudson River Day Line Pass, 1899

14 Jul 2017 1 706
"Hudson River Day Line Pass, 1899. E. D. Bennett, G.S., Bennington & Rutland Ry. E. E. Olcott, general manager. 412." E. D. Bennett, the general superintendent of the Bennington & Rutland Railway Company, also received a pass from the Adirondack Steamboat Company in 1897. The boat pictured on this card is the side-wheel steamer New York See below for some other steamboat passes and tickets from the Adirondack Steamboat Company/ (1897), Baltimore Steam Packet Company (1911), New Jersey Steamboat Company (1870), and Reading Steamboat Company .

Baltimore Steam Packet Company Pass, 1911

05 Jul 2016 2 3 1284
"Baltimore Steam Packet Co. Bay Line, 1911. Pass Mr. John F. Auch, Frt Traf. Mgr-–Philadelphia & Reading Rwy, until December 31st unless otherwise ordered. John R. Sherwood, president & general manager. No. 1726. Not valid unless countersigned by W. W. Erdman or myself. Florida." According to Wikipedia, "The Baltimore Steam Packet Company , nicknamed the Old Bay Line, was an American steamship line from 1840 to 1962 that provided overnight steamboat service on the Chesapeake Bay , primarily between Baltimore, Maryland, and Norfolk, Virginia." The steamer Florida , which is pictured on the pass, was a propeller-driven, steel-hulled vessel built by the Maryland Steel Company in 1907. For another illustration of the ship, see Steam Packets on the Chesapeake: A History of the Old Bay Line since 1840 (Centreville, Md.: Tidewater Publishers, 1961), by Alexander Crosby Brown, p. 82. John F. Auch was a freight traffic manager for the Philadelphia and Reading Railway , which later changed its name to the Reading Railroad and was immortalized as one of the railroads featured on the Monopoly game board. Compare this pass with an Adirondack Steamboat Company Pass, 1897 :

Cornwall Railroad Company Pass, Cornwall, Pa., 189…

07 May 2015 2 1292
"Cornwall Railroad. 1895. Good during current year. Unless otherwise ordered. Pass: Howard Boyd, secy. & treas., Phila., Newtown, & New York R.R. Wm. C. Freeman, president. No. 193. Hosford & Sons, N.Y." Printed on the back: "This pass is not transferable, and the person accepting and using it thereby assumes all risk of accident and damage to person or baggage."

Commander Alan B. Shepard, National Historical Wax…

29 Aug 2015 4 1 1528
"In Washington, D.C., see National Historical Wax Museum. America's finest air-conditioned wax museum. 26th Street at E. N.W., near Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. 9 am to 9 pm, including Sundays. Commander Alan B. Shepard." Cover of a 1960s brochure for the National Historical Wax Museum.

Rainbow Cabins, Newcastle, Ontario, Canada

03 Feb 2015 5 2 1490
"Rainbow Cabins, Newcastle, Ont., Canada. 50 miles east of Toronto on No. 2 Highway." A real photo postcard advertising the Rainbow Cabins. Postmarked 1952 on the back.

General Railroad of Time Ticket, January 1, 1906,…

31 Dec 2014 3 1 1734
A postcard with an undivided back (only an address was allowed on the back of this type of early postcard--no message). There's no stamp or postmark, but it's addressed to: "Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Rice, Montclair, New Jersey." The stamp box on the back of the postcard ("Place postage stamp here. Domestic, one cent. Foreign, two cents.") is overwritten with the words, "Mervyn Pony Post," meaning, I assume, that Mervyn received it in person from Eva and Billy. Mervyn then presumably carried it home to show the New Year greeting on the front (a parody of a railroad passenger ticket decorated in red and green colors with Christmas holly leaves and berries) to his wife Nellie and the rest of the Rice family. General Railroad of Time, 1906-1907 Three Hundred & Sixty Five Trip Family Ticket This ticket officially stamped and dated will entitle Nellie & Mervyn and family to one continuous happy and prosperous passage through life from January 1st, 1906, to January 1st, 1907, and may be renewed for as long a period thereafter as they may desire, without further notice. 365. Signed and sealed by Eva & Billy. Father Time, General Passenger Agent. Copyright 1905 by William Joseph Burkhardt, 206 Ocean Avenue, Jersey City, N.J.

Adirondack Steamboat Company Pass, 1897

08 Dec 2014 2 2 1733
"Adirondack Steamboat Co. Pass E. D. Bennett, G. Supt., Bennington & Rutland Railway, until December 31st, 1897, unless otherwise ordered. George Sweet, president. No. 1932. American Bank Note Co., N.Y."

Visit Grand Canyon by Air, TWA and GCA, 1935

16 Jun 2014 1 982
Front cover of a brochure published by "TWA (Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc.) and GCA (Grand Canyon Air Lines, Inc.). Effective July 20th, 1935." From the inside pages of the brochure: "In luxurious comfort and with unequalled speed of the TWA Douglas Skyliners, the passengers of 'The Lindbergh Line' are afforded an opportunity to visit the land of fascinating wonders, gorgeous spectacles, and kaleidoscopic panorama in flight through the Great Southwest.... At Winslow [Arizona], passengers directly connect with the comfortable trimotor planes of the Grand Canyon Airlines, Inc., making a one-hour flight to Grand Canyon Airport in the Kaibab National Forest near the south rim of the Grand Canyon."

301 Trailer Park and Grocery, Statesboro, Georgia

01 Mar 2014 1 1339
"301 Trailer Park and Grocery, U.S. 301, 5 miles north, Statesboro, Georgia." Handwritten on the back of this linen postcard: "We camped here twice in June 1966."

First Snow, Log Cabin Inn

08 Jan 2014 3 801
"First Snow. Log Cabin Inn. F&J." Date and location unknown.

Season's Best Wishes from George and Norma

12 Nov 2013 3 1572
A cars photo for the Vintage Photos Theme [Car] Park . A car and trailer are the focus of this photographic greeting card from "George and Norma," who have compiled a montage of images illustrating their transition from the chilly northern United States to the sunny south. Their car is magically pulling a trailer through a holly wreath, transporting them from the snowy northern woods to the grassy slopes of a southern golf course. Perhaps that's Norma--barely visible--standing beside the travel trailer. And presumably George is one of the golfers playing among the palm trees. In any case, it's evident that they've willingly traded a pair of ice skates for a set of golf clubs in order to spend the holiday where the weather is warmer.

Watson's Motor Hotel, U.S. Route 20, Cleveland, Oh…

28 May 2013 20 4 2898
Slide (probably dating to the 1950s) showing cars parked in front of Watson's Motor Hotel, which was located at 3333 Euclid Avenue (U.S. Route 20), Cleveland, Ohio. Visible in the background is the sign for the Colonial House Motel, 3301 Euclid Avenue. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any trace of either motel on the current Google Maps street view of the area . Main sign: "Watson's Motor Hotel. Restaurant. Elevator. Penthouse suites. Meeting rooms. Air conditioned. AAA approved."

21 items in total