Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: manicule

Grand Spelling Bee, Fair View School, Mechanicsvil…

18 Mar 2024 2 286
Katharine Hostetter Kauffman, later known as Katharine “Katie” Kauffman Herr (1886-1986), was the teacher who organized the spelling bee advertised on this handbill. For a similar item from a later event, see Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925 . Come One! Come All! To a Grand "Spelling Bee" To Be Held at the Fair View School Near Mechanicsville along Manheim Trolley Road Saturday Eve., March 24, '06 Classes are as follows: Class I. Open to Pupils of 11 years and under. Class II. Open to all Public School Children. Class III. Arithmetical Contest, open to all. Class IV. General Information, open to all. 16 Valuable Prizes to be Distributed The Program will consist of Music, Phonograph and School Recitations and Dialogues General Admission - 10 Cts. Proceeds to be used for the School Library. Doors Open at 7 o'clock. Exercises begin at 7:30 o'clock. Katharine H. Kauffman, Teacher. Should the weather prove too unfavorable the Bee will be held the first fair evening following Monday. L. B. Herr Print, 51-53 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.

E. S. Ilgenfritz (1897-1937), Photo Developing and…

23 Sep 2019 1 575
"E. S. Ilgenfritz, Developing & Printing, 34 N. Albemarle St., York, Pa." This is the photographer's stamp on the back of a curious photo of four men . One of the men is sitting in the driver's seat of an automobile, and the other three are standing next to the auto with pies in their hands. See Simply Simon with Some Piemen Going to a Fair? Edward Samuel Ilgenfritz (1897-1937) was only 40 years old when he passed away. His obituary doesn't mention photography, and his stamp only specifies photo "developing & printing," but I'm guessing that he was also a photographer.

Star-Shaped Logo with Extracted Teeth, Dr. A. A. W…

09 Aug 2019 1 570
A portrait of Dr. Andrew Aikens Wasson (1844-1918), a dentist from York, Pennsylvania, is the main feature of this star-shaped logo from the billhead he used in the 1890s. The design also includes a heart, a pair of pointing hands (manicules), and—holy molar!—two extracted teeth. For the full billhead, see Dr. A. A. Wasson Billhead, Dental Surgeon, York, Pa., April 22, 1893 .

Frederick H. Stowe, Stove Founder and Manufacturer…

17 Dec 2018 2 1 494
Frederick H. Stowe is listed as a "stove manufacturer" ("founder" is someone who owns or operates a foundry) in the Troy, New York, city directory for 1882, but the Troy directory for 1883 indicates that he "removed to Albany." After moving, he went into business with William F. Burden and operated a stove foundry in Albany under the name of Burden & Stowe from 1883 to 1887. Frederick H. Stowe, Stove Founder Manufacturer of ranges, cook and parlor stoves, sinks, hollow ware, &c. Troy, N.Y. Salesroom, corner of Paine and Hamilton Streets, Green Island. Presented by ________. Cohoes horse cars run within one block of the door.

C. L. Hartz, Dealer in Meats and Cheese, Lancaster…

13 Jul 2018 2 887
A business card by Pluck Print with an illustration of anthropomorphic pigs by the Philadelphia engraving firm of Crosscup and West. C. L. Hartz Dealer in all kinds of first-class smoked meats, such as ham, dried beef, bologna, breakfast bacon, &c Cheese: New York state, full cream, imported Swiss, sapsago, kimmel, and Limburger. 223 East Frederick St., Lancaster, Pa. At Northern and Central Markets. Avenue C, stalls 37 and 39, Northern Market. Pluck Print. Buyers Office. Crosscup & West, Phila.

Stoverdale Camp, Season Meal Ticket, 1932

26 Mar 2018 1 566
"Stoverdale Camp. Season Ticket (Whole). M________. Not transferable. Present ticket at each meal." A meal ticket dated 1932 by the dealer I bought it from. This was evidently printed for use at the Stoverdale Camp Meeting grounds that were located near Hummelstown in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. For more examples of meal tickets, see Wallace Hotel Meal Ticket, Harrisburg, Pa. , The Lee House Meal Ticket , and Meal Ticket Good Only at Circle Bar, Reading, Pa. (below).

A. B. Tack, Practical Paper Hanger and Decorator,…

25 Apr 2016 1 2 1001
"A. B. Tack, practical paper hanger and decorator, 1210 N. 3d St., Harrisburg, Pa. Full assortment of wall paper and window shades always on hand."

Columbia Steam Cracker and Biscuit Bakery, Columbi…

03 Feb 2016 3 1162
"W. A. King. D. R. King. W. A. King & Co. Columbia Steam Cracker and Biscuit Bakery, Nos. 169, 171, and 173 Locust St., Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa. Bakers of large and small steam pretzels. Presented by ________." Daniel R. King and his son William A. King operated a bakery in nineteenth-century Columbia, Pennsylvania, when steam power was the cutting-edge technology and Victorian typefaces were in vogue.

The Hydraulic Ram Is a Perfectly Simple, Effective…

14 May 2015 1 1302
For information about Darius L. Kauffman and hydraulic rams, see the front of this advertising trade card: The Hydraulic Ram, Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, Pa., 1880s . Spring and Creek Water. How to raise it for all purposes! The Hydraulic Ram is a perfectly simple, effective, and durable machine, for forcing a portion of a spring or brook to many points, at any required distance to a mile or more, and elevations to 300 feet, at the rate of 10 to 1000 gallons per hour, depending on quantity of water, fall, elevation, distance, and size of ram, will furnish a constantly running stream of water to irrigate land, supply dwellings, creameries, livestock, factories, villages, R.R. stations, &c. Thousands in constant use, many over 30 years. Double hydraulic rams will raise fresh spring water with power of creeks without mixing. Have sole agency in Berks, Lehigh, Lancaster, York, Lebanon, and parts of Schuylkill and Dauphin counties for Morrow's Improved Rams, horizontal valve; using the least fall and water. All sizes and kinds of hydraulic rams, pipes, drain tiles, and requisites for furnishing water, forwarded at short notice on most reasonable terms. We prefer to direct, and put them up personally to obtain the best results. Experience is very important. Our work warranted to give entire satisfaction. You need not pump, carry water, or drive stock to creeks. To Raise Water without Fall. ☞The hot air pumping engine will lift and force water from deep wells into tanks, especially adapted for domestic use, quarries, mines, and whatever it is required to raise from 100 to 5000 gallons of water per hour, with very little fuel. Has no boiler! No steam! No valve! Is small, powerful, absolutely safe, and as simple as a stove. Over 7000 in use. Will be given on trial if desired. Anyone in need of any of the above, call on or address Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, Berks Co., Pa.

The Hydraulic Ram, Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, P…

14 May 2015 1 1 1433
In this advertising trade card from the 1880s, Darius L. Kauffman revealed his passion for the hydraulic ram , which is essentially a water-powered water pump. The front of the card (above) illustrates a ram in action. One pipe draws water from a pond or steam in the wooded area on the right, and then the ram mechanism uses pressure from the water flow to send water through another pipe so that it travels up the hill on the left to reach the livestock grazing there. On the back of the card (see below), Kauffman described the hydraulic ram as "a perfectly simple, effective, and durable machine," which can be used "for forcing a portion of a spring or brook to many points, at any required distance to a mile or more, and elevations to 300 feet, at the rate of 10 to 1000 gallons per hour." In this way, it can "furnish a constantly running stream of water to irrigate land, supply dwellings, creameries, livestock, factories, villages, R.R. stations, &c." In addition to hydraulic rams, Kauffman also offered to install "hot air pumping engines," which burned fuel--coal, wood, or gas--to provide the energy for pumping water, and to supply accessories like pipes and tiles for his customers. Tragically, Kauffman died at the age of 33 as he was discussing the hydraulic ram. The Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburg, Pa), on Tuesday, April 16, 1889, p. 2, reported his death in this brief note: "An Inventor's Sudden Death. Reading, Pa., April 16. Darius L. Kauffman, an inventor, of Garfield, this county [Berks County], died suddenly at Mossersville, Lehigh county. He was explaining the mechanism of a hydraulic ram in which he was interested, when he fell forward and in a few moments expired. Death was caused by paralysis of the heart." The Hydraulic Ram. ☞New Hot☜ Air Pumping Engine. Lead, Plain, and Galvanized Iron Pipes. Drain Tiles, &c. Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, Berks Co., Pa. (over)

Please Push Button

03 Feb 2015 5 1 865
A "Please Push Button" sign (featuring a manicule or pointing hand mark, like this: ☞) at the John Brown Wax Museum, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, August 4, 2009.

John S. Keller's Sale of Fine Shoats, Lebanon Coun…

10 Apr 2014 835
"John S. Keller's sale of fine shoats. Will be sold at public sale on Tuesday evening, August 21, 1917, on the premises, in Millcreek Township, Leb. Co, Pa., on the farm of Thos. L. Becker, on the road leading from Millback to Kleinfeltersville, Pa. 50 head of fine shoats, 7 Chester Whites, the rest are Jersey Reds. This is one of the best lots you ever saw. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Conditions made know by John S. Keller. L. B. Kurtz, Auc. T. L. Becker, Clk."

Step Down

03 Feb 2015 2 957
A "Step Down" sign (featuring a manicule or pointing hand mark, like this: ☞) at the Lincoln Train Museum, Gettysburg, Pa., August 12, 2011.

Certificate of Reward, Given by Buttorff, Photogra…

14 Oct 2013 1666
R. H. Buttorff (1849-1934), a photographer in York, Pennsylvania, used an advertising trade card showing Christopher Columbus (below, front of card) to promote his "special highly finished 'Columbian' photographs" in 1893. The "Certificate of Reward" (above, back of card) that he offered to teachers for distribution to students was similar to the rewards of merit they were already familiar with. In addition to the usual student recognition for "deportment and standing in studies," however, this reward certificate doubled as a coupon redeemable for a half-price deal on cabinet photographs. Unfortunately for us, however, the expiration date was March 1, 1894.

Columbus Discovers Land

14 Oct 2013 2 1364
This advertising trade card showing Christopher Columbus (above) was intended to appeal to students. R. H. Buttorff (1849-1934), a photographer in York, Pennsylvania, gave cards like this to teachers, who could then reward students for good behavior by filling out the " Certificate of Reward " (below) that was printed on the back of the card. The certificate also offered a discount on special "Columbian" cabinet photographs that students could purchase at Buttorff's studio.

Matrimonial Mistakes Lecture, Oberlin, Pa., Oct. 4…

14 Oct 2013 1621
Lecture To-night Rev. Thos. Coke Carter, D.D., will deliver his humorous lecture on Matrimonial Mistakes in the Oberlin U.B. Church, Thursday evening, October 4, 1900, at 7.45 o'clock. Dr. Carter is a lecturer of national reputation, and this is one of his most charming lectures. The press of the country speak in the highest terms of the lecture and lecturer. If you wish to drive away the blues, hear this lecture and have a good laugh. Admission, 15c. Two tickets, 25c. Advocate and Verdict Print, Steelton, Pa. -------- It's difficult to get a sense of what Rev. Thos. Coke Carter spoke about in his "Matrimonial Mistakes" lecture based upon this printed announcement, but the following account--published over six years later after Carter had become a bishop in his church--provides some details: Entertaining Lecture: Was "Matrimonial Mistakes" Delivered at the Court-house Monday Evening The lecture in the Court-house, Monday evening, by Bishop T. C. Carter, of Chattanooga, on Matrimonial Mistakes was a treat to all who heard it. From beginning to close the lecture was one of sound logic, interspersed with humor and adorned with sentiment. The many mistakes, their origins and fearful consequences were vividly pictured but the crowning feature, the full weight of the discourse, was directed to a higher and broader conception of matrimonial relations, the wisdom displayed in choice, and the blessings that reign over the homes of the fortunate in wedlock. If this lecture could be delivered throughout the country, it would prove a great blessing and would doubtless save many an erring one from a fatal step, disperse misery, and install happiness in many homes. The lecturer was introduced by Gov. J. R. Hindman in his usual happy manner, after listening to inspiring music made by the Columbia Band. In closing Bishop Carter dwelt on the tender memories of early life and paid a just tribute to home--one that impressed his many hearers with its many blessings, after which the Band played "Home Sweet Home." Adair County News (Columbia, Adair County, Kentucky), Wed., April 3, 1907, p. 1 , col. 1. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress.

The Haines Shoe House Sign, Hellam, Pa.

03 Feb 2015 1 1053
"The Haines Shoe House. Ice cream, tours. Next exit, right to 462, then right to Shoe House Rd." Sign with manicule (the pointing hand mark or ☞) at the Haines Shoe House (below, with mailbox) in Hellam, Pennsylvania.

Frescoing! House and Sign Painting, E. A. Weis, Re…

28 Mar 2017 2 609
"Frescoing! House and sign painting, paper hanging, graining, glazing. Latest styles of wall paper in large variety. All work done as represented. E. A. Weis, agt., 26 N. 6th St., Reading, Pa. Eagle Job Print, Reading."

26 items in total