Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Adams County

Two Girls and One Doll (Cropped)

27 May 2024 190
A real photo postcard of two girls and a doll taken by photographer C. C. Kuhn. For more information, see the full version of the photo.

Two Girls and One Doll

27 May 2024 3 1 314
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of holding a doll . Notation on photo: "C. C. Kuhn. Photo.#716." A photo of two girls -- one standing and one seated -- posed on a piece of carpet among some shrubbery and potted plants. C. C. Kuhn ( Carl C. Kuhn , 1888-1948) was a well-known photographer who lived in Cashtown, Adams County, Pennsylvania, at the time he took this photo. This is an unused real photo postcard with an Azo stamp box design (four corner triangles pointing up) on the other side, which suggests a date that may be as early as 1904 to 1918. For a closer view of the girls and the doll, see a cropped version of the photo. For a close-up of the doll and Kuhn's name on the photo, see an even smaller detail .

I Nearly Got in Hot Water in Cashtown, Pa.

07 Jan 2019 1 428
An early twentieth-century postcard that could be customized with the name of any city or town.

Cars and Families at Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Pa.

17 Oct 2016 5 1 1281
A souvenir photo of three families in automobiles at Devil's Den , a rock formation located on the Gettysburg Battlefield in Adams County, Pennsylvania. For other photos, see my album of Souvenir Photos from the Gettysburg Battlefield .

Woman and Man at the High Water Mark Monument, Get…

12 Oct 2016 1 953
For more information, see the original photo :

Woman and Man at the High Water Mark Monument, Get…

12 Oct 2016 1 2 1555
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of "what’s that on his shoe?" or other unexpected details . In this snapshot, a woman sits for a souvenir photo in front of the giant book that's part of the High Water Mark of the Rebellion Monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania. When I purchased this photo, I noticed that there's a man on the right who's oddly standing behind the woman and near the back of the monument. I didn't think anything of it until I got home and scanned the photo. When I took a look at an enlarged version (mouse over the image above to see it), I made the unexpected discovery that the fellow was irreverently thumbing his nose as the photographer snapped the picture. Photobombing , of course, is nothing new! See below for monument photos from 1906 and 1912 as well as a recent view .

High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa., August…

12 Dec 2013 827
For more information about the monument and an earlier postcard view of it, see High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa., December 2, 1906 (below).

High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa., Decembe…

12 Dec 2013 1 1801
Handwritten message on the front of this real photo postcard (see writing at right, above): "High Water Mark. 12/2/06. This was all done today. What do you think of that grin? The fellow tried to take the picture without exposing the plate and we were trying to keep from laughing." The giant book behind the two men is part of the High Water Mark of the Rebellion Monument , which is, as Wikipedia explains, "a Gettysburg Battlefield memorial which identifies the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia units of the infantry attack on the Battle of Gettysburg, third day, with a large bronze tablet, as well as the Union Army of the Potomac's 'respective troops who met or assisted to repulse Longstreet's Assault.' The memorial is named for the line of dead and wounded of Pickett's Charge which marked the deepest penetration into the Union line at The Angle when '4,500 men threw down their arms and came in as prisoners.'" For later views of the monument, see Bicyclists at the High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa., 1912 and High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa., August 8, 2013 (below).

Step Down

03 Feb 2015 2 957
A "Step Down" sign (featuring a manicule or pointing hand mark, like this: ☞) at the Lincoln Train Museum, Gettysburg, Pa., August 12, 2011.

How Would You Like to Be with Us at Orrtanna?

Bicyclists at the High Water Mark Monument, Gettys…

27 Mar 2014 1 1450
A real photo postcard. Caption: "#5268. High-Water Mark. 1912." Four young men pose with their bicycles near the High Water Mark of the Rebellion Monument , which is located on the Gettysburg Battlefield in Gettysburg, Pa. The woman in the background is taking a closer look at the monument. For an earlier postcard view of the monument, see High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa., December 2, 1906 . For a recent photo, see High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa., August 8, 2013 .

Lincoln's Address, Gettysburg, Pa., November 19, 1…

19 Nov 2013 1 1087
"Lincoln Speech Memorial, Gettysburg, Pa. Lincoln's Address--Delivered at Gettysburg, Pa., November, 19, 1863." As Wikipedia explains, "The Gettysburg Address is a speech by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, one of the best-known in American history. It was delivered by Lincoln during the American Civil War, on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, four and a half months after the Union armies defeated those of the Confederacy at the Battle of Gettysburg." Stamped on the back of this oversized linen-finish souvenir card: "Published by Blocher's, Gettysburg, Pa."

Five Men at Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Pa.

04 Mar 2015 1 1339
A souvenir photo ("no. 3729," as noted by the photographer) showing four men at Devil's Den , an outcropping of massive granite boulders located on the Gettysburg Battlefield in Adams County, Pennsylvania. The man who's partially visible at far left is probably looking at a small pool of water produced by a spring underneath the boulder (the sign on the rock above him--although unreadable in this photo--likely provides information about the spring). For more photos, see my album of Souvenir Photos from the Gettysburg Battlefield .

Four Men at Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Pa.

04 Mar 2015 5 3 1781
Three out of four men display their patterned footwear in this socks (striped, Argyll, tights, fishnets, men's/women's garters) photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. For some other pertinent previously posted pictures, see my slides of Yellow Socks Guy (also known as Pipe-Smoking Man ). This is a real photo postcard showing four men posing for a souvenir picture at Devil's Den , which is an outcropping of massive granite boulders located on the Gettysburg Battlefield , a U.S. Civil War site in Adams County, Pennsylvania. The man who's barely visible at bottom left is probably peering down to take a look at a small pool of water produced by a spring underneath the boulder. For additional photos, see my album of Souvenir Photos from the Gettysburg Battlefield .

A Girl and Her Parents at Devil's Den, Gettysburg,…

04 Mar 2015 1 2 1382
A real photo postcard (no. 2181, according to the photographer's notation) showing a family posing for a souvenir picture at Devil's Den , which is an outcropping of massive granite boulders located on the Gettysburg Battlefield in Adams County, Pennsylvania. For other photos, see my album of Souvenir Photos from the Gettysburg Battlefield .

Battle of Gettysburg Scholar's Ticket

01 Jul 2013 806
"Battle of Gettysburg. Scholar's ticket. This ticket and 15 cents admits a scholar to matinee." The Battle of Gettysburg , one of the bloodiest clashes during the American Civil War , began 150 years ago on July 1, 1863, when Union and Confederate forces met near the town of Gettysburg in south central Pennsylvania. This is an early student ticket for the Battle of Gettysburg Cyclorama , a huge 360-degree panoramic painting that depicts a dramatic scene from the battle. The Gettysburg Cyclorama was created in 1884 for display in Boston, moved to Gettysburg in 1913 in time for the hundredth anniversary of the battle, and is now part of the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center .

Hunt's Cafe Battlefield Fries, Gettysburg, Pa.

16 Aug 2013 894
Hunt's Cafe is located in the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, not far from the Gettysburg National Military Park . It looks like the potatoes there--dressed in Union blue and Confederate gray uniforms--are getting ready to reenact the Battle of Gettysburg.

The Triplet Children of J. M. and Emma C. Tracey

03 Aug 2011 5 3 1782
Although this photo was in poor shape when I bought it and required significant touch-up to make the image somewhat more visible for posting, I thought that the appeal for assistance printed on the back of the card made it worthwhile. I did some searching for further information about the triplets, but didn't uncover a definitive account of their story. The Find A Grave Web site contains some information regarding the girls' parents, Jarred Washington Tracey (1857-1906) and Emma Barton Tracey (1858-1949) (I'm not sure why the parents' middle names don't match their middle intials on the card). Emma Tracey's entry includes a different photo of the mother with her three daughters. Find A Grave also contains entries for the children, Mabel V. Tracey McKelvey (1886-1967) , Edith Grace Tracey Thompson (1886-1967) , and Bessie Barton Tracey Willard (1886-1966) . -------- Printed on the back of the card: The Triplet Children of J. M. and Emma C. Tracey, Fountaindale, Pa. Mable Viola, Born April 4, 1886, noon, weighed 6 lbs. Edith Grace, Born April 5, 1886, noon, weighed 6 lbs. Bessie Barton, Born April 6, 1886, 4 p.m., weighed 7 lbs. Mrs. Tracey, the mother of these babes, was born with but one arm. Photographs taken Aug. 26, 1886. Cabinet photographs of these children will be mailed to any address for 25 cents. Address J. M. Tracey, Fountain Dale, Adams co., Pa. The profit from the sale of photographs will be devoted to rearing and educating the triplets. -------- Printed on the front of the card below the photo (too faint to be visible here): "Tipton Photo, Gettysburg, Pa."