Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: 1913

Miss Kline and Her Students, Rhode's School, Berks…

08 Aug 2022 3 3 345
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of school days . This is a real photo postcard that's dated 1913 on the other side. The photo shows a teacher and her students at Rhode's School, a one-room schoolhouse -- now a private residence -- located along Old U.S. 22 about two miles east of Krumsville in Greenwich Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. A local publication reprinted this photo in 1969 with the following caption: "The teacher in this picture was Miss Carrie W. Kline [1857-1931], a native of Richmond Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. She was a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School [now Kutztown University ], class of 1877. She started teaching at the age of 19 and followed the profession for fifty years in the schools of Penna. She taught at Rhode's School from 1908 to 1915." -- From Da Ausauga (Kempton, Pa.: Fereinicht Pennsylfawnish Deitsch Fulk, Inc.), vol. 9, no. 4 (June-July 1969), p. 1.

Automobile in Flooded Street, Warren, Pennsylvania…

30 Jun 2019 4 1 795
A cars and trucks photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. This is a real photo postcard addressed on the other side to Mr. Sam Ekey, Warren, Pa., R.D. #4, and postmarked in Warren, Pa., on March 31, 1913. Handwritten message: "Warren, Pa., 3/30, 1913. Dear Brother, Wm. Kopf would like to have his posts Saturday. If you need the money take it, 12½¢ each. Frank needs about 10 7 fts. Maybe we can give Henderson his and give Frank Henderson's from last year [meaning, as far as I can understand, that "Henderson" is going to get the fence posts originally intended for "Frank," and Frank is going to receive his ten seven-foot fence posts from among the ones that they prepared for Henderson last year]. Everything OK. Norman has the mumps. He is at home on the farm. E.E." It's likely that "E.E." was Emil Ekey (1886-1976), who was writing to older brother, Sam Ekey (1881-1965). "Frank" may have been Frank A. Ekey (1868-1959), another brother. A quick search didn't yield any information regarding the other individuals--William Kopf, Henderson, and Norman--that Emil mentions. The flooded street was the result of the Great Flood of 1913 , which "occurred between March 23 and March 26, after major rivers in the central and eastern United States flooded from runoff and several days of heavy rain." I assume that the photo shows a street in Warren , which is located in northeastern Pennsylvania at the confluence of the Allegheny River and Conewango Creek. The license plate on the car in the photo is no. "23801, Penna., 1913," and the man in the driver's seat is looking back at the photographer. Beyond the automobile there are three people--one of them only visible through the vehicle's windshield--wading through the floodwaters. To the left of the threesome is a mailbox stranded by the water, and to its left are two individuals standing in the doorway of a building. A mailman wearing waders and holding a mailbag is standing in the water on the right-hand side of the photo. Perhaps he was headed over to the mailbox to collect the mail. Emil didn't mention the flood in the note he wrote to his brother. I wonder if either of them knew any of the people in the photo. It would also be interesting to know who the photographer was.

The Braden Entertainment with Edison Talking Movin…

17 Jan 2019 1 486
See the front of this ticket for more information. Richland House Hall Saturday and Monday, 7:30 P.M. Feb. 22-24.

The Braden Entertainment with Edison Talking Movin…

17 Jan 2019 1 2 540
The Nickelodean , a trade magazine for the early film industry, included a state-by-state listing of news "Among the Picture Theaters" in its issue for March 4, 1911. Under the section for Pennsylvania (p. 260), it noted, "A moving picture theater has been opened in the Richland House Hall at Richland." The Richland House was a hotel in Richland , Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, but I haven't been able to uncover any other information about this ticket or the moving picture theater held in the hotel's hall. Searching for "Braden & Funny Little Tommy" didn't yield any results either. The back of the ticket gives the dates of the shows as Saturday and Monday, February 22 and 24, without specifying a year. Thanks to Time and Date's Weekday Calculator , I was able to determine that February 22 and 24 fell on Saturdays and Mondays in the years of 1902, 1908, 1913, 1919, and 1930. Since the theater at the Richland House evidently opened in 1911, I'm guessing that this ticket dates to 1913. The Braden Entertainment with Edison Talking Moving Pictures Two hours of good show. Fun, travel, industrial, Wild West, cowboy, and lots of others. Braden & Funny Little Tommy. Bring this ticket first night only as you will have a chance to secure a Kalba diamond stick pin absolutely free. Admission, 10 cents. Free! Back of ticket: Richland House Hall. Saturday and Monday, 7:30 P.M. Feb. 22-24.

Dr. LeGear, Largest Horse in the World

27 Sep 2018 5 2080
What would be a good name for the "largest horse in the world," a Percheron owned by Dr. L. D. LeGear, whose company manufactured patent veterinary medicines in the early twentieth century? Well, how about "Dr. LeGear"? That wouldn't confuse anybody, would it? Dr. LeGear Largest horse in the world. 21 hands high, weight 2995 pounds. Owned by Dr. L. D. LeGear Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Mfrs. Dr. LeGear's Stock and Poultry Remedies. "One for every ailment." Printed on the back of the postcard: "Dr. LeGear" the giant horse is a beautiful dapple seal brown Persheron gelding 21 hands high, takes a 32-inch collar, is perfectly proportioned, absolutely sound, weighed May 1, 1913, 2995 pounds, and is valued at $25,000.00. Owned by Dr. L. D. LeGear Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., m'f'g's. Dr. LeGear's Stock and Poultry Remedies.

Going Some with the Humdinger of Seattle!

11 Sep 2017 1 886
"Going Some! The Hum-dinger of Seattle." Written on the back of this real photo postcard: "May 6, 1913 in Seattle, Wash. To Bro. John" A studio photo depicting what appears to be alcohol-fueled nautical maneuvering in the vicinity of Seattle, Washington. Judging by a similar Hum-dinger photograph that's part of the Seattle Photograph Collection at the University of Washington Libraries, this photo came from the Joy Parlor Studio, which billed itself as "the home of the cowboy post cards" and was located at 207 2nd South in Seattle. For an uncropped copy of the photo postcard, see Going Some with the Humdinger of Seattle! (Full Version) .

Going Some with the Humdinger of Seattle! (Full Ve…

11 Sep 2017 1 783
For more information, see the cropped version of this real photo postcard.

Where Women Vote—By the New Fireside

03 Jun 2017 1 723
One in a series of humorous "Where Women Vote" postcards published in the 1910s that demonstrated the dire consequences of giving women the right to vote. It took until 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, to ensure that all women in the United States had the right to vote. This postcard was postmarked Broad Top, Pa., May 8, 1913, on the other side and was addressed to Mr. Ralph L. Diggins, Millersville, Lanc. Co, Pa., M.S.N.S., indicating that Diggins was a student at the Millersville State Normal School in Millersville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, at the time. Handwritten note on the back: "Dear Brother, We are very busy. Will write you a letter on Sunday. It is very warm today. The trees are in blossom. The apple tree is white and also the cherry trees. The plums are froze. Elsie." This postcard and others from the "Where Women Vote" series are pictured in Kenneth Florey's book, American Woman Suffrage Postcards: A Study and Catalog (McFarland, 2015), pp. 344-47.

Halloween Greetings

24 Oct 2016 2 1 1025
"Hallowe'en Greetings. Frances Brundage." A Halloween postcard by illustrator Frances Brundage . Printed on the back: "Halloween Series-Postcard No. 120." Postmarked Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1913, and addressed to Miss Anna Harrison, 602 E St., S.E., Washington, D.C. Message: "Sorry! Certainly wish you a pleasant time tomorrow evening. Sincerely, Dave."

The Fire Chief's Studebaker-Flanders Roadster, Har…

19 Nov 2015 4 2 1300
That's John C. Kindler, who was the fire department chief in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in the driver's seat of his 1913 Studebaker-Flanders automobile. His passenger is Edward Halbert, assistant chief. Note the fire gong and the two fire extinguishers mounted on the side of the vehicle. The setting shows Front Street in Harrisburg , with the benches and trees of Riverfront Park across the street and the faint blue of the Susquehanna River barely visible in the background.

July 4, 1913

28 Jun 2015 2 995
Does anyone recognize this location? There's no identifying information on the back of this real photo postcard, and I can't quite figure out what the word written at the top might be.

Does the Camera Lie?

19 Mar 2015 5 1 1159
An Erie Railroad car appears on the front of this exaggeration postcard, and the description on the back of the card (see below) mentions the railroad company twice. It seems likely that the Erie Railroad sponsored the card, but there's no indication of a publisher's name on the other side. Addressed to: Traffic Dept., Kalamazoo Tank and Silo Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Postmarked: Detroit, Mich., Aug. 2, 1913. Printed on the back: Incandescent Lamps. The present yearly production of incandescent lamps in this country amounts to about 114,000,000--ranging from ¼ to 500 candle power. The largest factory is located in Harrison, N.J. (on the Erie Railroad); other important important points of manufacture are: New York City, Chicago, Cleveland, Youngstown, O., and Warren, O. (all of which are located on the Erie Railroad). A carload shipment of incandescent lamps contains 40,000 lamps of ordinary size--more than three times the number required to equip a modern skyscraper office building accommodating 7500 people.

Sorry You Were Sick Last Sunday

18 Nov 2014 1 1 813
"Sorry you were sick last Sunday. Want to assure you of my sincere sympathy . Hope you will soon be well and able to meet with our class. A. B. C. No. 41. Copyright, 1913, the Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, O." For other don't-forget-to-attend-Sunday-school postcards, see One Out of Our Sunday-School Class Last Sunday and Hello! Who Is This? You're the One We're After .

This Is No Dream—How We Do Things at Ovid, Mich.

19 Aug 2016 1 689
A tall-tale postcard by Wisconsin photographer Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr. The large fish on this card (at bottom center) appears to be the same one he used on another card (see below for the other postcard and a comparison of the fish ).

The Great Carlisle Fair, Carlisle, Pa., 1913

19 Sep 2014 1 767
"The Great Carlisle Fair, Carlisle, Pa., September 23, 24, 25, 26, 1913." See also Hello, Neighbor! I Will See You at the Fair, Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 1905 :

S. Kronenberg's Sons Calendar, Carlisle, Pa., 1913

09 Jan 2015 8 1 1039
"Compliments of S. Kronenberg's Sons, clothing, 6-8 S. Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. A bit of gossip. Copyright, 1911, R. Hill. January 1913."

Meouw! A Happy Birthday to You!

22 Nov 2013 3 1509
"While dressed up in my very best, I wish you luck and all the rest." Postmarked: Tunbridge Falls, 27 Sep 13. Addressed to: Miss Hornsby, c/o Mrs. Fail, 180 Upper Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Falls. Message: "Dear Joyce, I expect you are very glad your birthday has come. I hope you will have a very happy one. Lots of love and kisses from Auntie Mary." The previous owner of this real photo postcard referred to the distinguished Edwardian feline as "Sir Reginald Pussycat."