Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: electrical

Remember When I Called You Mine in 1909

02 Jan 2020 1 1 549
"Remember when I called you mine in 1909." A 1909 postcard with a rhymed New Year's greeting. It looks like those are light bulbs forming "1909," judging by the yellow glow and golden rays emanating from each of the numbers. For a similar card in which the artist used flowers instead of light bulbs, see I'll Be Yours If You'll Be Mine in 1909 .

Halloween Masquerade Ball Ticket, Queen of Sheba T…

01 Nov 2019 1 1 540
A Halloween dance ticket printed by Landis Art Press, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who used the same decorative half moons on other tickets. See, for instance, Sophomore Barn Party Ticket, East Petersburg, October 27, 1920 and Hell'o'een Masked Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 29, 1920 . Masquerade Ball Will be given by the Anniversary Committee of Queen of Sheba Temple No. 137 on Thursday, October 31, 1940 in new Elk's Auditorium, 452 South Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. Music by Duke Norman. Prizes awarded. Best dressed. Most comic. Admission 55 cents.

Sophomore Barn Party Ticket, East Petersburg, Octo…

01 Nov 2019 532
David Bachman Landis of Landis Art Press (formerly Pluck Art Printery ) printed this Halloween party ticket for the sophomore class of a local high school or college. Perhaps it was for students at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and they may have taken the special 7:00 p.m. streetcar from Lancaster to East Petersburg, which is located about six miles away. Or possibly it was for a group in East Petersburg itself. Compare this ticket with two others that Landis that printed, one for a dance held two days later-- Hell'o'een Masked Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 29, 1920 --and another for a dance that took place two years later-- Black Cat Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 27, 1922 . Soph. Barn Party East Petersburg, October 27, 1920. Special car leaves square 7:00 p.m. Price per couple, $.150 [$1.50?].

Crescent Electric Company, Electric Motors and Fan…

08 Apr 2019 1 925
The business card for James D. Brinser, who was the superintendent of the Crescent Electric Company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The card was printed by D. B, Landis, Pluck Print, Lancaster, Pa. I relied on listings and ads in various publications for the approximate date of 1895. The Annual Report of the Factory Inspector for Pennsylvania in the year 1894, for instance, gives the location of the Crescent Electric Company as 117 East Chestnut in Lancaster, as printed on the card. In 1896, however, Brinser assigned an Electric-Motor Fan patent to the Marietta Manufacturing Company in Marietta, Pa., which suggests that fans were no longer manufactured in Lancaster by that time. By 1898, the ads for Crescent Electric Fans indicated that the Marietta Manufacturing Company made them. The Crescent Electric Co. Manufacturers of Electric Motors and Fans 111 to 117 East Chestnut Street, Lancaster, Pa. Electrical and general machine repairing. Armature and magnet winding a specialty. New and second-hand motors in stock. Prompt attention. Obliging service. Reasonable prices. James Brinser, superintendent. Telephone.

Hell'o'een Masked Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., Oc…

22 Oct 2018 1 470
See also Black Cat Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 27, 1922 for another Halloween dance held in Hiemenz's Auditorium. Hell'o'een Masked Dance Hiemenz Auditorium, Friday, Oct. 29. Kiphorn's Orchestra. Admission, 60 cts.

Philadelphia Electric Company Wheel Chart, ca. 193…

30 Sep 2018 2 505
The reverse of an advertising wheel chart promoting the use of electricity. For more information, see the front side . The average cost of operating an electric refrigerator of about 7 cu. ft. capacity is $1.40 per month. The cost to heat water on the off peak heat storage rate for an average family using a 50 gallon electric heater is about $3.50 per month. The cost of using an electric range for an average family is less than $3.00 per month. Note: The hours of use shown on the other side are based on the cost of current in each step of the Residence Tariff. Whitehead-Hoag, Newark, N.J.

Philadelphia Electric Company Wheel Chart, ca. 193…

30 Sep 2018 3 667
In January 1934, the Philadelphia Electric Company (now PECO) was the first utility to license the Reddy Kilowatt character to promote electricity usage, according to Wikipedia. The early date may explain why Reddy's first name is misspelled as "Ready" on this advertising wheel chart , which demonstrates how far 5 cents worth of electricity goes in operating appliances like clocks, coffee percolators, and radios. See also the other side of this wheel chart. Philadelphia Electric Company For 5c spent for electricity you can operate your electric appliances fort the number of hours indicated in opening, says Ready Kilowatt (Your Electrical Servant). Hours--If your monthly electric bill is from 75c to $2.75; $2.75 to $5.00; over $5.00. 100 watt lamp. Hand iron. Vacuum cleaner. Washer. Radio. Toaster. Percolator. Fan. Clock. 60 watt lamp.

Lyndhurst Electric Farm, Chester County, Pennsylva…

08 Sep 2015 2 1 1586
"Lyndhurst Electric Farm, Geo. J. Hoopes, owner." The Lyndhurst Electric Farm was located along the Lincoln Highway in Caln Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, somewhere between the towns of Coatesville and Downingtown. The "Electric Farm" name came about in an obvious way sometime in the early twentieth century: "Township manager Sam Moore, a lifelong resident, remembers the excitement when one farm had its barn wired for electricity. Local residents immediately christened it 'The Electric Farm'" (see Jeff Gammage, " Caln Highway: Extension of History's Path ,", Nov. 1, 1987). Brian Butko, in his book, The Lincoln Highway: Pennsylvania Traveler's Guide , 2nd ed. (Stackpole Books, 2002), p. 76, mentions that "Lyndhurst was a farm and tourist home operated by George J. Hoopes," but I haven't been able to uncover any additional information regarding the Lyndhurst Electric Farm or its owner.

Electricity in a Bottle

08 Aug 2015 3 2 1284
"Electricity in a Bottle. Cures catarrh, hay fever, headache, asthma, neuralgia. Price, $1.00. The West Electric Cure Co., Chicago, Ills." A die-cut advertising trade card for an electrifying patent medicine.

Edison Mazda Lamps Poster Stamp

22 Jun 2015 2 964
"Edison Mazda Lamps, 6-60 watt, price $1.50. Phone your order today." A poster stamp for Edison Mazda light bulbs .

Certificate of Weight, Electrical Advertising Scal…

16 Sep 2014 3 1328
"Certificate of Weight. Finger points to your exact weight: 109. Date this and keep for reference: ________. The Electrical Advertising Scale Company. Office: 97 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa." Printed on the back of the card: "If thou do the contrary to that which someone will shortly whisper in thine ear, thou will have good fortune."

Radio Pineapple Delights

03 Sep 2013 4 1695
"Radio Pineapple Delights. Contents 14 oz. avoir. Distributors, M. J. Caplan Co., Incoporated, Lawrence, Mass. MJCCo. Accepted, American Medical Assn., Council on Foods." You know about " TV dinners " and how they became popular in the 1950s, right? Well, I'm guessing that "radio pineapple" in the 1930s probably wasn't quite as successful. 8-)