Adrian Jones' photos with the keyword: beetles

Dorcus parallelipipedus, The Lesser Stag Beetle

25 Jun 2019 9 2 400
A fine example of Dorcus parallelipipedus, the Lesser Stag Beetle. A large species that can reach about 32mm in length. They are quite common in my garden often being found in or around the old rotting logs and thee trunks that I have in various places. Taken at Shrewsbury, Shropshire on 24th June 2019.

May Bug (Melolontha melolontha)

31 May 2019 10 8 559
A fine specimen of a May Bug (Melolontha melolontha) seen in my garden in mid May.

Nut Weevil (Cuculio nucum).

07 Aug 2018 14 15 460
A Nut Weevil (Cuculio nucum) in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, August 3rd 2018.

Oedemera nobilis

26 Jun 2015 1 505
A female Oedemera nobilis takes a look around.


04 Feb 2015 3 1 456
The tiny weevil that I found in a packet of watercress, still alive and well, here taken at 7x magnification.

Click Beetle.

27 Dec 2014 5 2 700
A Click Beetle seen at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve during May 2014

Phyllopertha horticola (Garden Chafer)

10 Jul 2013 2 1 436
This little Garden Chafer was never still, found on Hogweed flowers, Venus Pool, Shropshire.

Soldier Beetle portrait

13 Jul 2008 154
Close up of a Soldier Beetle, Rhagonycha fulva. Full frame uncropped image.

Cardinal Beetle, Pyrochroa coccinea

10 May 2008 188
Full frame uncropped image. Canon 20D, MP-E65, single diffused 580EX flash. ISO 100, 1/250, f11