SV1XV's photos with the keyword: Antarctica

QSL RI1ANC (2014)

22 Dec 2014 1 629
QSL card for a recent QSO with Alex RD1AV at the Vostok Base in Antarctica on 30m CW.


15 Jul 2017 1 577
QSL card from RI1AND at Novolazarevskaya Base in Antarctica, confirming a JT65 QSO on 17 m (18 MHz).

USA 1933 3¢

05 Nov 2017 339
Byrd Antarctic Expedition Further details: A Philatelic Introduction to B.A.E. II: The Stamps by Paul Skowron, ASPP.

QSL LU3ZY (1978) (F)

20 Oct 2017 418
QSL card from Antrarctic amateur radio station LU3ZY (1978). Front side with base emblem.

QSL LU3ZY (1978) (B)

20 Oct 2017 442
QSL card from Antrarctic amateur radio station LU3ZY to W2SY confirming a 14 MHz SSB QSO. Signed by Cdr Hugo Ceriani.