sps1955's photos with the keyword: St Pancras

London - the north end of Whidborne Street 2015-05…

30 May 2015 1 1 124
Of the early C19 buildings in the foreground, only the public house on the extreme right is listed , although the mews workshops on the left strike me as an interesting survival. On the detached single-bay house, see George Rex's photograph here . The clock tower of Grade I-listed St Pancras Station is in the background, while the 1973-7 extension to Camden Town Hall is largely obscured by a tree.

London - Camden Town Hall 2014-10-30

05 Nov 2014 100
1934-7, to the designs of A. J. Thomas, who was Lutyens' office manager until 1935. Described by the Buildings of England: London, 4 (1998), p.354, as "a cautious neo-Palladian design, with some Lutyens mannerisms". Portland stone cladding over a steel frame. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1379162 .