sps1955's photos with the keyword: 2015-05-19

Cambridge Station from E 2015-05-19

30 May 2015 123
The main station building, towards the left with the circular windows in the upper floor, is the original one from 1845 (designed by Francis Thompson or possibly by Sancton Wood) and originally provided an arcaded loggia over the platform, demolished in 1863 when the right-hand section, with the pitched roofs, was built. English Heritage listing: list.historicengland.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1343683 .

London - Mecklenburgh Square from NW 2015-05-20

30 May 2015 123
Built from c.1808 to the designs of Joseph Kay, who was surveyor to the Foundling Hospital estate, with the terrace of houses treated as a palace façade emphasized at the centre and ends. Some of the houses were rebuilt in facsimile following damage in World War II. English Heritage listing: list.historicengland.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1113118 .

London - the north end of Whidborne Street 2015-05…

30 May 2015 1 1 125
Of the early C19 buildings in the foreground, only the public house on the extreme right is listed , although the mews workshops on the left strike me as an interesting survival. On the detached single-bay house, see George Rex's photograph here . The clock tower of Grade I-listed St Pancras Station is in the background, while the 1973-7 extension to Camden Town Hall is largely obscured by a tree.

Cambridge Station from the footbridge 2015-05-19

30 May 2015 126
Until 2011 Cambridge preserved a common arrangement in early stations, with one long through platform handling trains in both directions - the scissors crossover which made this possible can be seen at centre left. The footbridge and a new island platform (just visible on the left) were opened in December 2011. The main station building is the original one from 1845 (designed by Francis Thompson or possibly by Sancton Wood) and originally provided an arcaded loggia over the platform, demolished in 1863 when the nearer section, with the pitched roofs, was built. English Heritage listing: list.historicengland.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1343683 . Beyond the station is evidence of the frenzy of flat building which has gripped this part of Cambridge in the last few years, some of it for students. In the left background is the Belvedere from 2002-6; behind the oldest part of the station building are new halls of residence for Anglia Ruskin University; on the right Foster's Flour Mills of 1898 are undergoing conversion to flats (the scaffolding surrounding the building is concealed behind netting with an image of its façade).