sps1955's photos with the keyword: College of St Mark

Audley End, College of St Mark 2013-09-12

18 Jan 2014 132
The N. courtyard seen from the NE - the archway on the right corresponds to the one on the left of the view of the W. front; the range on the left contained the hall. Almshouses established by the Earl of Suffolk (owner of Audley End House and James I's Lord Chamberlain from 1603-14, before serving as Lord Treasurer until his dismissal in 1618); built 1605-14 on the site of a medieval building, probably the hospital of Walden Abbey. Listed description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1196246 . Visited on a Heritage Open Day. 1907 view shows that the dormer windows are the result of recent restoration, as is the doorway on the far left, it seems: www.francisfrith.com/audley-end/photos/the-abbey-court-ya... .

Audley End, College of St Mark 2013-09-12

18 Jan 2014 125
The W. (entrance) front from the NW. Almshouses established by the Earl of Suffolk (owner of Audley End House and James I's Lord Chamberlain from 1603-14, before serving as Lord Treasurer until his dismissal in 1618); built 1605-14 on the site of a medieval building, probably the hospital of Walden Abbey. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1196246 . Visited on a Heritage Open Day. 1907 view: www.francisfrith.com/audley-end/photos/abbey-farm-almshouses-1907_58831 . And a view from the SW in a book published in 1909: www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/14773802882