sps1955's photos with the keyword: Ridge and furrow

Wimpole Hall, Church and Park 2012-11-11

11 Nov 2012 102
From SW. The central 7-bay section was designed by Henry Flitcroft, 1742, but conceals an earlier structure begun c.1640 for Sir Thomas Chicheley. The 5-bay wings to E and W were added to the designs of James Gibbs, 1713-21. On the left is the library wing also added to Gibbs' designs. To the right of the house is the parish church, mostly rebuilt to Flitcroft's designs. List description for house: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1128166 . The low sun is picking out an area of medieval "ridge and furrow" in the foreground.