sps1955's photos with the keyword: Young's Garage

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 131
For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... . For further information on prices, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329103872/in/set-7215... .

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 140
The Citroën prices for which no horsepower is specified presumably relate to the 12 (the equivalent of the 7CV in France). See www.citroenet.org.uk/foreign/slough/traction/traction-04.... , reproducing a 1939 UK market brochure. For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... .

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 114
For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... . For further information on Austin 10 and Austin 12 prices, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329103872/in/set-7215... .

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 207
The extension of the central heating system to the lock-up garages, which were available for rent, is particularly striking. For part 2: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329116594/in/set-7215... . For the history of the business, see the set page.

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 110
For part 1: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... . For part 3: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329113848/in/set-7215... . For the history of the business, see the set page.

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 120
For part 2: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329116594/in/set-7215... . For the history of the business, see the set page.

Wolseley 25 on the back of a playing card, c.1948?

03 Jun 2012 122
From what I presume was a promotional pack of cards, although the advertising is subtle - this image appears on the back of each card and on the box but there is no wording. Found in the drawer of my grandparents' card table and presumably associated with my grandfather's garage business . Although he was never a Wolseley agent, handling Austins, Citroëns and Singers, he did (in a manner that I suppose would be impossible now) obtain cars of other makes for friends and acquaintances, and himself drove Rovers at least from the 1950s onwards, so perhaps the playing cards came his way as a result of purchasing a car for a friend, or maybe he even considered a Wolseley for himself. The date is a guess - the Wolseley 25 was introduced in 1936 as an up-market version of the equivalent 6-cylinder Morris and was relaunched after the war only briefly, but the pose here is very similar to an advert reproduced on the 1948 page of the Classic Car Catalogue , even though the art-work is not quite the same; the original oil painting is held by the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust, which dates it to the 1940s.

Young's Garage, Lincoln

22 Jan 2012 78
Scanned from an unused postcard found in a folder of photographs of Young's Garage. The connection with the garage is not clear. I thought that the photograph might show the houses demolished to make way for the garage premises on St Catherine's opened on 1 March 1939; however, early C20 Ordnance Survey maps seem to show two detached houses on the site, rather than a pair as seen here. I cannot read what it says on the lamp outside the left-hand house. If anyone can supply further information, I would be very interested!

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, ea…

22 Jan 2012 104
Scanned from an unused postcard mounted in a folder. My grandfather standing at the pumps of the premises at 53-55 St Catherine's; the dangling wire and the absence of cars suggest that this may have been taken just before the opening on 1 March 1939. Note the variety of petrol brands on offer. See set page for the history of the business.

Young's Garage, High Street, Lincoln

22 Jan 2012 101
Appears to show the premises at 2 High Street, so presumably before 1926. Possibly my grandfather's sister-in-law, my great aunt Charlotte (Lottie) Duckering, standing at the pump. Scanned from an unused postcard. See set page for the history of the business.

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, ea…

22 Jan 2012 98
Scanned from a print. Shows the new premises at 53-55 St Catherine's approaching completion; the photograph was used to illustrate an article in the Lincolnshire Echo , 23 Feb. 1939 , announcing the opening of the new garage on 1 March. See set page for the history of the business.

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, c.…

22 Jan 2012 116
Scanned from a print. Apparently taken to record the refurbishment that I remember being carried out shortly after my grandfather's death in late 1965. Series VI Singer Gazelles are visible on the far left and on the far right, and there is at least one more in the showroom (along with another Gazelle which is probably also a series VI) - this model was current from Sept. 1965 to March 1967. The showroom also contains what appears to be a Mark IV Singer Vogue, so presumably the photograph pre-dates the launch of its Arrow-style successor October 1966. There is also a Singer Chamois in the showroom and another one in the exit from the workshop. See set page for the history of the business.

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, ea…

22 Jan 2012 111
Scanned from a print. Probably early 1950s - the cars at the right-hand end of the forecourt are identifiable on the original as an Austin A40 Somerset or A70 Hereford and an A40 Devon-based pickup. The car entering the forecourt looks like a Citroën Traction Avant. See set page for the history of the business.

F.G. Young, Motor Engineer & Mechanic, High Street…

22 Jan 2012 189
Appears to show the premises at 2 High Street, so presumably before 1926. My grandfather in overalls with an unidentified assistant. The motorcycle (which has been identified by georgedulcot as a Norton - see below) was registered in Kesteven, the south-west part of Lincolnshire ( www.oldclassiccar.co.uk/registrations/ct.htm ). Scanned from a print. See set page for the history of the business.

Young's Garage, Lincoln, possibly 69 High Street,…

22 Jan 2012 109
Display showing what appears to be an early 1930s Citroën (as it has right-hand drive, it will have been assembled at Slough, but it looks very similar to the left-hand drive 1932 model shown here ). Scanned from a mounted print found in a file of photographs of Young's Garage, Lincoln (who were Citroën agents by 1939). The connection between the photograph and the garage is unknown, although it could be a display in the showroom at 69 High Street, where the garage was located from 1926 to 1939. The building is now occupied by a furniture retailer but it looks as if there was a narrow showroom end on to the street flanked by an arched vehicle entrance (cf. maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=69+High+Street,+Lincoln,+Lincoln... and also a period view at www.flickr.com/photos/jondave/5715085023/in/set-721576134... ; according to homepage.ntlworld.com/stuart.cox/thenandnow/places/highst... the building was originally an arched entrance to Boultham Hall; www.freewebs.com/nicknac3000/aroundlincoln1.htm says that the private bridge that carried the drive from here over the river was removed in 1924). There appear to be parts of a petrol pump on the far left, outside the showroom, which strengthens the possibility of this being 69 High Street.

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, ea…

22 Jan 2012 102
Scanned from a print in the family collection. The car in the showroom is an Austin A40 Somerset, current from 1952-4. Other cars, from left to right, and mostly older, are: Vauxhall ( Preston area registration from 1946-8 ); Morris 10 series M (leaving the forecourt; 1944-6 London registration ); Bentley (having its windscreen wiped); Citroën Traction Avant (being filled with petrol and looking very clean - I wondered if it might be the garage demonstrator, but the registration looks like DVL10, a Lincoln-issued plate which, astonishingly, still (28 Feb. 2012) belongs to a Citroën first registered in June 1949, so it was not particularly new when this photo was taken; according to the DVLA database, it has a 1911cc engine, so is probably a Traction 11BL (or "Light 15" in English parlance) ; Standard (perhaps; the front is obscured by the Citroën); What I think is a Rover P2 or P3 with the less familiar 4-light "Sports Saloon" body (in Hamilton Road, only the rear visible; cf. i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh90/1947rover/Tilly5.jpg ). The pumps are now all branded "Esso", in contrast to the variety on offer in 1939 . See set page for the history of the business.

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, pr…

22 Jan 2012 97
Scanned from a print. The car on the far right is an Austin A35, launched in 1956. It is just possible to make out that the car behind it is a Citroën DS or ID. The signs indicate that the garage still held the Citroën agency which was relinquished in 1962 (according to research carried out by Stephen Dodsworth in the Lincolnshire Echo and published in the Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society 's Conrod magazine, Winter 2015). If anyone can see further clues as to the date, I would be glad to know. The car at the left-hand end of the forecourt looks like an immediate pre- or post-World War II model, but this does not help much with the dating, as such cars survived in daily use into the 1960s - indeed, my godmother, who lived opposite, kept the Morris 10 that she had bought just before the war until 1972. See set page for the history of the business.

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, c.…

22 Jan 2012 132
Scanned from a print,. Apparently taken to record the refurbishment that I remember being carried out shortly after my grandfather's death in late 1965. Newly delivered series VI Singer Gazelles (without their hub caps) are lined up on the right - this model was current from Sept. 1965 to March 1967. A Singer Vogue Mark III or IV stands at the nearest corner of the forecourt, with more Gazelles behind it. There is no sign in this photograph, or in the other that appears to have been taken on the same occasion, of the Arrow-style Singer Vogue launched in October 1966. See set page for the history of the business.

20 items in total