sps1955's photos with the keyword: 2011-12-11

Lincoln 2011-12-11

12 Dec 2011 74
View SW from my first-floor room at The Poplars B&B at the top of Beaumont Fee, showing Brayford Way and the new development around it.

Lincoln 2011-12-11

12 Dec 2011 65
View SE from my first-floor room at The Poplars B&B at the top of Beaumont Fee.

Lincoln: Castle Villa, Drury Lane 2011-12-11

12 Dec 2011 114
Gateway composed of medieval fragments from the Priory of St Catherine, a Gilbertine house outside the southern entrance to the town, and Lincoln's largest monastic house prior to its dissolution. Nothing remained above ground on the site of the priory by the later C19, but the pieces were unearthed during building works in 1876 as the growing town expanded over the site. Finds also included a coffin containing a perfect skeleton "which was immediately destroyed in a spirit of wanton mischief by the workman". A photograph published in 1904 shows the stones in their present location; the accompanying article describes the house as "formerly occupied by Mr Thomas Martin" who may have been the same Thomas Martin who was mayor of Lincoln in 1887. The photo shows the ironwork inside the arch but not the gate itself, which certainly looks more modern. [Rev. E. Venables in Archaeological Journal , 33 (1876), pp.188-9; R. E. G. Cole in Associated architectural societies' reports and papers , 27:2 (1904), plate 1 and p.321n; Sir Francis Hill, Victorian Lincoln (1974), p.238]. List description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-485951-archway-attached-t... .

Lincoln Cathedral Close 2011-12-11

12 Dec 2011 93
No. 20. Mid C18, refronted early C19, according to list description ( britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-486131-20-lincoln ) although Buildings of England (2nd edn., 1989, p.495) says simply 'late C18'.

Thorpe-on-the-Hill: Poultry Farm, Station Road 201…

12 Dec 2011 76
Home of my mother's uncle, John Duckering, 1889-1976. The right-hand section is an extension added since 1976 using bricks from a demolished outbuilding; the climber conceals the "joint".

Singer Junior, 1930, at Lincolnshire Vintage Vehic…

12 Dec 2011 87
Presented to the Society by my maternal grandfather's garage business. See www.lvvs.org.uk/wl9794.htm .

Thorpe-on-the-Hill: Poultry Farm, Station Road 201…

12 Dec 2011 72
Home of my mother's uncle, John Duckering, 1889-1976. The right-hand section is an extension added since 1976 using bricks from a demolished outbuilding; the climber conceals the "joint".

Lincoln: Christ's Hospital Terrace 2011-12-11

12 Dec 2011 92
Looking W. across Steep Hill towards the chapel of Bishop's Hostel (1907, by Temple Moore). 4 Christ's Hospital Terrace, on the right, is early C18 according to the list description ( britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-485940-4-and-4a-lincoln ) although the Buildings of England: Lincolnshire (2nd edn., 1989), p.519, says that it 'looks later C18'.

Lincoln: Steep Hill 2011-12-11

12 Dec 2011 95
Looking down Steep Hill from the junction with Michaelgate and Christ's Hospital Terrace. Former Harlequin Inn on the right, late C15 but much restored: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-486239-the-harlequin-21-a... .

Singer Junior, 1930, at Lincolnshire Vintage Vehic…

12 Dec 2011 76
Notice recording the donation of the car to the Society by my maternal grandfather's garage business, still displayed even though the Singer marque expired in 1970 and the business closed about 10 years later.

Lincoln: Castle Hill 2011-12-11

12 Dec 2011 83
Looking E. at about 10.00 pm. Judges' Lodging (c. 1810, by William Hayward) on the left. Hand held, so my viewpoint was somewhat constrained by the need to find something against which to steady myself without being blinded by the floodlights shining up at the castle behind me. I have reduced the colour temperature a bit. I am not sure how successful the result is!

Lincoln 2011-12-12

12 Dec 2011 92
Looking east from Castle Hill at about 9.00 am on a crisp winter's morning

Lincoln 2011-12-12

12 Dec 2011 83
View SW from my first-floor room at The Poplars B&B at the top of Beaumont Fee on a frosty morning.

Lincoln 2011-12-12

12 Dec 2011 82
View S over the lower town from my first-floor room at The Poplars B&B at the top of Beaumont Fee on a frosty morning. The modern building in the left near ground is the Divisional Police Headquarters of 1973-5.

Lincoln: Castle Hill 2011-12-12

12 Dec 2011 98
The N. side of Castle Hill, with the early C18 6-7 on the left ( britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-485931-6-and-7-lincoln ) and 8 on the right (c.1543, but extensively restored 1929 and 1970: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-485932-leigh-pemberton-ho... ).

Lincoln: Castle Hill 2011-12-12

Lincoln Cathedral 2011-12-12

Lincoln Cathedral Close 2011-12-12

12 Dec 2011 98
The E. side of the Close seen from the top of Pottergate, with the Chancery on the far right (the front dates from c.1480-90, although the top floor windows and their associated gables are 19th-century alterations: list description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-480799-the-chancery-11-li... ). The house to the left with the stone façade is the Choristers' House of 1661, with alterations of 1887 (list description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-486117-choristers-house-1... ).

19 items in total