sps1955's photos with the keyword: 2011-11-13

Audley End 2011-11-13 003

13 Nov 2011 95
View from the Temple of Concord.

Audley End 2011-11-13 006

13 Nov 2011 121
The Elysian Garden, looking towards the tea house and bridge by Robert Adam, 1783.

Audley End 2011-11-13 012

13 Nov 2011 127
The tea house and bridge in the Elysian garden, by Robert Adam, 1783. List description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-370384-tea-house-and-brid... .

Audley End 2011-11-13 013

13 Nov 2011 97
The Elysian garden seen from the tea house bridge.

Audley End 2011-11-13 014

13 Nov 2011 92
Elysian garden, looking S. from near the tea house bridge

Audley End 2011-11-13 016

13 Nov 2011 110
The Elysian garden, with the tea house and bridge designed by Robert Adam, 1783

Audley End 2011-11-13 021

13 Nov 2011 95
The tea house and bridge in the Elysian garden, designed by Robert Adam, 1783. List description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-370384-tea-house-and-brid... .

Audley End: stables 2011-11-13

13 Nov 2011 101
The stables from the S. List description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-406401-audley-end-stables... . Now dated to the early C17, according to the Buildings of England: Essex (2007 edn.), p.105, which compares the windows with St Mark's College (see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/12010405114 ). The style is less fashionable than that of the house, possibly to create a little "fake history" (cf. Heritage Today , May 2010, 17-18). The building seems to have originated as ancillary domestic accommodation (perhaps for the lower ranks among those accompanying the monarch on progress), but was converted to a stable a few years after its construction, possibly because the now-demolished forecourt of the main house took over its original function. [Paul Drury and Pete Smith, 'The Audley End Stable Block in the 17th Century', English Heritage Historical Review , 5 (2010), pp.44, 64, 73, 79] The lantern may date from the 1860s. [ ibid. , 76]

Audley End 2011-11-13

13 Nov 2011 107
View from near the bridge SW of the house. For history, see set page .

Audley End 2011-11-13 029

13 Nov 2011 95
The bridge across the River Cam SW of the house, by Robert Adam, 1763-4; balustrade replaced c.1781 by Placido Columbani (according to Buildings of England ). List description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-370382-bridge-over-the-ri... .

Audley End 2011-11-13 039

13 Nov 2011 100
Looking from the NW corner of the formal gardens into the park, where the trees are catching the last of the afternoon sun

Audley End 2011-11-13

13 Nov 2011 111
Detail of the S. side of the more northerly of the two Jacobean porches on the W. front. For history, see set page .

Audley End 2011-11-13 043

13 Nov 2011 98
Looking SE across the park towards the Temple of Concord