sps1955's photos with the keyword: Hertfordshire

Royston - 7 and 9 Old North Road 2014-10-30

07 Nov 2014 121
A somewhat eccentric Victorian pair; the corner windows by the front doors strike me as particularly unusual. Described as late Victorian is this description of the recent extension to no. 9, just visible on the far left; definitely in existence by 1887 as they appear on the large scale Ordnance Survey map published in that year.

Royston station - former corn mill 2014-09-17

17 Sep 2014 79
Viewed from the railway station footbridge.

Royston - 1-2 Old North Road 2014-10-30

07 Nov 2014 131
Mid-C19 pair of houses, of "unusual, careful design" according to the listing . The cast-iron railings in front of the left-hand house and flanking the bridge over the front area are presumably original, although the railings in front of the right-hand house have been replaced.

Royston - 14 and 16 Old North Road 2014-10-30

07 Nov 2014 129
A Victorian pair, probably built c.1860 (cf. these comments on no. 18, a detached house in very similar style: "The land at 18 Old North Road was purchased in the late 1850’s for £36.00 by a collective of 11 local trades people including schoolmasters, builders, grocers and chemists, and a charity commission was established to the benefit of the Kneesworth Street Congregational Church. Building started 1st March 1860": www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-46294499.html ). Definitely in existence by 1887 as they appear on the large scale Ordnance Survey map published in that year but the lack of horns on the sashes of no.14 and the "Georgian survival" style help to confirm the earlier date.

Barkway - Berg Cottage, 85 High Street 2014-06-21

29 Jul 2014 97
"House, at one time 3 or more dwellings. Late C17 [date 1687 above the central first-floor window], restored 1935-8 for Mrs. Berg and c.1960 by W. Weir for the National Trust": list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1347377 .

Sandon: memorial to Nicholas Franklin Miller, d. 1…

12 Jul 2014 115
Died aged 18. Tentatively attributed to Sir Henry Cheere in The buildings of England: Hertfordshire (1977 edn.), p.331.

Barkway - 93/95 and 97 High Street 2014-06-21

29 Jul 2014 118
Late C15 timber-framed "Wealden"-type house, originally with a full-height central hall and two-storey jettied sections each end; hall floored and chimney stack inserted c.1600; partly re-fronted in brick, the jetties being underbuilt, and divided into 3 dwellings, in C18: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1174330 .

Barkway - The Gables, 59 and 61 High Street 2014-0…

29 Jul 2014 109
Circa 1620. Formerly the Town House and an inn, according to list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1102596 , although the Town House or Gild Hall illustrated by the Victoria County History (1914) is evidently a different building. The village was formerly on the main road from Cambridge to Ware and the VCH mentions that several inns are recorded in the 15th and 16th centuries. According to the English Heritage listing, the arched head of the carriage entrance between the first and second bays is C19 . Further altered and extended c.1900, when the porch and the entrance on the far left were added; the left-hand bay window is also modern as a Victorian photo in VCH shows only an oriel window on the first floor here.

Barkway: The Old Forge, 53/55 High Street 2014-06-…

29 Jul 2014 127
Late C16, extended in late C17; originally 3 bays with the right-hand bay, which formerly contained the forge on the ground floor, added later. The ground-floor oriel in this bay is C19 but, according to the listing , the left-hand ground-floor oriel, partly obscured by the car, is original, as is the door surround.

Sandon - All Saints - monument to Edward Nicholas,…

28 Jun 2014 77
He was the second son of Matthew Nicholas, Dean of St Paul's Cathedral - the manor of Sandon was part of the St Paul's estate. "For thirty years a citizen of London, he always had in mind (in sacred matters) God and the Church, (in the duties of life) an honest reputation, and (in financial matters) a good conscience".

Royston station, 2014-03-18

28 Mar 2014 119
Looking E. from the W. end of the up platform. Replacement down waiting room under construction by the footbridge steps on the left. Posted for comparison with views of the old station building at www.flickr.com/photos/18578675@N02/12238632403 and www.flickr.com/photos/18578675@N02/12239021306/ .

Royston station, 2014-03-18

28 Mar 2014 126
The main station building on the up side from the SW, with the station approach. Posted for comparison with view of the old station building at www.flickr.com/photos/18578675@N02/12238632403 .

Royston station, 2014-03-18

28 Mar 2014 125
Looking E. from the W. end of the down platform. Posted for comparison with views of the old station building at www.flickr.com/photos/18578675@N02/12238632403 and www.flickr.com/photos/18578675@N02/12239021306/ .

Royston station 2014-04-15

15 Apr 2014 99
Looking E. Posted for comparison with views of the old station building at www.flickr.com/photos/18578675@N02/12238632403 and www.flickr.com/photos/18578675@N02/12239021306/ .