sps1955's photos with the keyword: Mablethorpe

At the seaside: Mablethorpe, mid-1920s

27 Dec 2011 90
Scanned from a postcard (un-used), but my late mother identified the girls with parasols as herself (born in 1919, left) and her friend Joyce Bower (although I confess that I wonder if the identification of Joyce was correct; she does not appear with spectacles in later photos; comparison with photos belonging to the New Zealand branch of my mother's family leads me to think that she is my mother's cousin, Freda Stephenson [later Tivendale], born in 1913). Presumably photographers at resorts would print photographs on to postcards; I would be interested if someone could confirm this. At Mablethorpe - compare www.flickr.com/photos/lenton_sands/4436719967/in/set-7215... .