sps1955's photos with the keyword: Walter Gropius

Impington Village College - Adult wing and assembl…

25 Apr 2015 114
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. The adult wing on the left contained facilities for adult education and leisure, including a billiard room; the assembly hall was intended for use both by the school and the village. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 .

Impington Village College - Billiard room in adult…

25 Apr 2015 121
Like others in Cambridgeshire, the college was intended to provide educational, cultural and recreational facilities for the local community, as well as to function as a secondary school. Although the billiard table does not conform to the modern aesthetic of the building, designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry, and opened in 1939, it was installed at the time of the college's opening, according to David Rooney, Henry Morris (2013), p.48. Photographed through the window. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296

Impington Village College - Adult wing and asssemb…

25 Apr 2015 110
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. The adult wing on the left contained facilities for adult education and leisure, including a billiard room; the assembly hall was intended for use both by the school and the village. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 .

Impington Village College - Adult wing from W 2014…

21 Sep 2014 127
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. This wing contained facilities for adult education and leisure, including a billiard room. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Classroom wing from NE…

21 Sep 2014 88
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Classroom wing from S…

21 Sep 2014 95
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College from SW 2014-09-13

14 Sep 2014 118
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. The recessed doors in the centre of the photo give access to the concourse, with the warden's office to the left and staff room the right; the clerestory of the concourse lies beyond. The classroom wing is on the right. The curved stair tower on the left was not part of the original plan. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Classroom wing from W

21 Sep 2014 108
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Classroom wing from E…

21 Sep 2014 108
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . In the background to the right is the hall range; the buildings in the background further to the left are not original. Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Classroom wing SE fron…

21 Sep 2014 120
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. Large sliding doors made it possible to open the classroom to the outside: see www.harvardartmuseums.org/art/52326 for an early photo; also www.facebook.com/420857641297924/photos/a.554173454633008... for a 1943 view from inside a classroom. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Adult wing from S 2014…

21 Sep 2014 92
The College was designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. This wing contained facilities for adult education and leisure; the section on the right contained a library for the use of both students and adults. These rooms were originally connected by a covered walkway which has been filled in since. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Classroom from SE 2014…

21 Sep 2014 98
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. Large sliding doors made it possible to open the classroom to the outside: see www.harvardartmuseums.org/art/52326 for an early photo; also www.facebook.com/420857641297924/photos/a.554173454633008... for a 1943 view from inside a classroom. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Adult wing from E 2014…

21 Sep 2014 106
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. This wing contained facilities for adult education and leisure; the section on the extreme right contained a library for the use of both students and adults. The hall block can be seen in the background on the left. Comparison with an early view reveals some alterations, most notably the infilling of the covered way which originally connected the rooms in this wing: www.harvardartmuseums.org/art/52323 . List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Corridor in adult wing…

21 Sep 2014 95
The College was designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939; this wing contained facilities for adult education and leisure, including a billiard room. The corridor appears to be an infilling of what was originally an open walkway. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Concourse 2014-09-13

21 Sep 2014 105
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. Original wall-light fittings and lockers on the left: cf. www.harvardartmuseums.org/art/167024 . List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . Photographed on an open day to mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of the College.

Impington Village College - Concourse range from S…

13 Nov 2014 92
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 .

Impington Village College - Entrance to hall 2014-…

13 Nov 2014 99
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 .

Impington Village College - Courtyard entrance fro…

13 Nov 2014 105
Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry in 1938 and opened in 1939. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331296 . Plan: lisa.revues.org/docannexe/image/884/img-1.png from lisa.revues.org/884 . The entrance opens into the main concourse, with what appear to be original lockers in the background: cf. www.harvardartmuseums.org/art/167024 .

23 items in total