sps1955's photos with the keyword: 2011-11-04

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 035

04 Nov 2011 86
Mid-C18 lead sphinx at the E. entrance to the Coronation Avenue, presumably erected c.1937. Probably by John Cheere, according to the National Trust guidebook

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 039

04 Nov 2011 115
One of the 1793 Coade Stone caryatids from Sir John Soane's staircase at Buckingham House. For the group and their history, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/6292381878/in/set-7215... .

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 041

04 Nov 2011 128
Looking S down the Cross Avenue towards one of the urns from Stafford House .

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 058

04 Nov 2011 91
The Jubilee Avenue (formerly known as the Daffodil Walk) from the S.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 054

04 Nov 2011 81
The Jubilee Avenue, formerly known as the Daffodil Walk, from the S. Late C18 Coade stone urn; list description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-49343-urn-near-private-en...

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 045

04 Nov 2011 104
Satyr's mask on the urn from Stafford House at the S. end of the Cross Avenue , with some of the season's bumper crop of ladybirds.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 027

04 Nov 2011 83
Looking E. from the Coronation Avenue into the South Glade

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 032

04 Nov 2011 93
Jubilee Avenue (formerly Daffodil Walk) looking N.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 049

04 Nov 2011 140
On the Pilgrims' Lawn. The last part of the garden to be conceived before Lord Fairhaven's death, not completed until 1967. More informal groups than elsewhere in Fairhaven's garden, with the interest coming from the variety of colours and shapes in the planting, rather than from the geometry that predominates elsewhere. See set page for general history of Anglesey Abbey.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 042

04 Nov 2011 102
One of the urns formerly at Stafford House, acquired c.1937, at the S. end of the Cross Avenue; probably early C19: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-49341-pair-of-urns-at-cor...

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 053

04 Nov 2011 132
On the Pilgrims' Lawn. The last part of the garden to be conceived before Lord Fairhaven's death, not completed until 1967. More informal groups than elsewhere in Fairhaven's garden, with the interest coming from the variety of colours and shapes in the planting, rather than from the geometry that predominates elsewhere. See set page for general history of Anglesey Abbey.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 036

04 Nov 2011 112
Mid C18 obelisk and balustrade in the Coronation Avenue, at the crossing with the Cross Avenue, from W. Formerly at Copped Hall, Essex, and presumably erected here c.1937. List description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-49338-pair-of-obelisks-an... .

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 059

04 Nov 2011 124
The Jubilee Avenue (formerly known as the Daffodil Walk) from the S. Late C18 Coade stone urn on left; list description: britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-49343-urn-near-private-en...

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 063

04 Nov 2011 100
The house seen from the park. See set page for history.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 010

04 Nov 2011 110
Dahlia garden from W.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 007

04 Nov 2011 102
Lode Mill from the entrance to the herbaceous garden

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 015

04 Nov 2011 108
Dahlia garden from E.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 014

04 Nov 2011 111
Dahlia garden from W.

19 items in total