sps1955's photos with the keyword: Advertising

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 132
For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... . For further information on prices, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329103872/in/set-7215... .

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 141
The Citroën prices for which no horsepower is specified presumably relate to the 12 (the equivalent of the 7CV in France). See www.citroenet.org.uk/foreign/slough/traction/traction-04.... , reproducing a 1939 UK market brochure. For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... .

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 115
For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... . For further information on Austin 10 and Austin 12 prices, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329103872/in/set-7215... .

Wolseley 25 on the back of a playing card, c.1948?

03 Jun 2012 123
From what I presume was a promotional pack of cards, although the advertising is subtle - this image appears on the back of each card and on the box but there is no wording. Found in the drawer of my grandparents' card table and presumably associated with my grandfather's garage business . Although he was never a Wolseley agent, handling Austins, Citroëns and Singers, he did (in a manner that I suppose would be impossible now) obtain cars of other makes for friends and acquaintances, and himself drove Rovers at least from the 1950s onwards, so perhaps the playing cards came his way as a result of purchasing a car for a friend, or maybe he even considered a Wolseley for himself. The date is a guess - the Wolseley 25 was introduced in 1936 as an up-market version of the equivalent 6-cylinder Morris and was relaunched after the war only briefly, but the pose here is very similar to an advert reproduced on the 1948 page of the Classic Car Catalogue , even though the art-work is not quite the same; the original oil painting is held by the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust, which dates it to the 1940s.