sps1955's photos with the keyword: Austin

1981 Austin Mini-Metro 1.3HLS 2010-08-06

17 Aug 2014 95
The fog lamps were an after-market addition.

1981 Austin Mini-Metro 1.3HLS 2010-08-06

1981 Austin Mini-Metro 1.3HLS 2010-08-06

1988 Austin Metro City X 2014-04-17

21 Apr 2014 110
Immaculate and, to judge by the name badges and "Made in Great Britain" sticker, much loved. I caught sight of an elderly couple leaving in it. The badges on the back seem unusual to me (shouldn't it say "Metro" somewhere?) suggesting that the car has probably been restored and resprayed, rather than being one of those very low mileage cars that only comes out of the garage very occasionally.

1988 Austin Metro City X 2014-04-17

21 Apr 2014 127
Immaculate and, to judge by the name badges and "Made in Great Britain" sticker on the back, much loved. I caught sight of an elderly couple leaving in it. The badges on the back seem unusual to me (shouldn't it say "Metro" somewhere?) suggesting that the car has probably been restored and resprayed, rather than being one of those very low mileage cars that only comes out of the garage very occasionally.

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Gar…

03 Jun 2012 141
The Citroën prices for which no horsepower is specified presumably relate to the 12 (the equivalent of the 7CV in France). See www.citroenet.org.uk/foreign/slough/traction/traction-04.... , reproducing a 1939 UK market brochure. For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... .