sps1955's photos with the keyword: garden

Fulbourn garden 2014-06-09

09 Jun 2014 90
Just after 7.00 p.m., British Summer Time

1988 Austin Metro City X 2014-04-17

21 Apr 2014 108
Immaculate and, to judge by the name badges and "Made in Great Britain" sticker, much loved. I caught sight of an elderly couple leaving in it. The badges on the back seem unusual to me (shouldn't it say "Metro" somewhere?) suggesting that the car has probably been restored and resprayed, rather than being one of those very low mileage cars that only comes out of the garage very occasionally.

1968 Morris Minor 1000 2014-04-11

Fulbourn garden 2014-03-24

26 Mar 2014 98
Frost and sunshine just after 8.00 a.m.

Fulbourn garden 2014-04-09

1996 Toyota Picnic 2014-04-11

1988 Austin Metro City X 2014-04-17

21 Apr 2014 126
Immaculate and, to judge by the name badges and "Made in Great Britain" sticker on the back, much loved. I caught sight of an elderly couple leaving in it. The badges on the back seem unusual to me (shouldn't it say "Metro" somewhere?) suggesting that the car has probably been restored and resprayed, rather than being one of those very low mileage cars that only comes out of the garage very occasionally.

1995 Ford Escort 16v (1597cc) 2014-04-17

21 Apr 2014 94
Worth photographing, I thought, for its good condition, although there has been some touching up of the paintwork on the driver's side.

1995 Ford Escort 16v (1597cc) 2014-04-17

21 Apr 2014 99
Worth photographing, I thought, for its good condition, although there has been some touching up of the paintwork on the driver's side.

Fulbourn garden 2013-01-21

21 Jan 2013 77
About 8.00 a.m.

Fulbourn garden 2013-01-21

21 Jan 2013 79
About 8.00 a.m.

Fulbourn garden 2013-01-21

21 Jan 2013 89
A glimpse of sunlight at about 3.00 pm.

Fulbourn garden 2013-01-22

22 Jan 2013 76
About 2.15 p.m.

Fulbourn garden 2013-01-22

22 Jan 2013 84
About 12.45 p.m.

Fulbourn garden 2013-03-24

24 Mar 2013 89
About 8.15 a.m. Rather damp and sticky snow brought in overnight by a pronounced east wind.

Fulbourn garden 2012-12-02 007

Fulbourn garden 2012-02-11 004

11 Feb 2012 108
About 9.00 a.m. There had been no more snow since the previous day , but there had been a hard frost, by the standards of our part of the world.

Fulbourn garden 2012-02-11 009

11 Feb 2012 90
Early afternoon.

24 items in total