Queen Breaca's photos with the keyword: Nordfriesische Inseln


21 Mar 2013 151
Admittedly, the translation "seal bank" is not really funny. In German the word "bank" also means "bench". Saw these cuddly seals on display outside a souvenir kiosk on the island of Sylt. Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.

Lister Hafen im Nebel

18 Feb 2013 159
Ein nebliger Sonntag im hohen Norden von Deutschlands nördlichster Insel, Sylt. Der Rettungskreuzer "Minden" der DGzRS ist gerade eben auszumachen. Misty Sunday in the very north of Germany's northernmost island of Sylt. Lifeboat "Minden" is barely visible. View Awards Count

273|366: Emma und ihr Strandkorb - emma and her wi…

16 Aug 2012 141
Die Möwen sehen alle aus, als ob sie Emma hießen. Sie tragen einen weißen Flaus und sind mit Schrot zu schießen. Ich schieße keine Möwe tot, ich laß sie lieber leben - und füttre sie mit Roggenbrot und rötlichen Zibeben. O Mensch, du wirst nie nebenbei der Möwe Flug erreichen. Wofern du Emma heißest, sei zufrieden, ihr zu gleichen. Christian Morgenstern (am Südstrand von Wyk auf Föhr) The gist of this poem in English: All gulls look as if their name was Emma. It is said they ought to be killed with a shotgun. But I don't kill them, I feed them instead. You and I will never be able to fly like a gull, but if your name is Emma be content to resemble her (the German word for 'seagull' is a female noun) at least. Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.

276|366: sunflowers on the island

17 Aug 2012 123
The ultimate classtrip photo on our last day: a field of sunflowers in lovely weather, in the background the church of Nieblum/Föhr.