Queen Breaca's photos with the keyword: Halstenbek

3 boats

28 Mar 2013 197
View Awards Count Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.

184|366: oak tree in spring

20 May 2012 158
This is the same old oak tree near Lake Krupunder that already attracted me last November.

90|366: Another snowy field

06 Feb 2012 166
"365 días [Tu reto] / 365 days [Your challenge]" #27

97|366: Trees & wannabes

13 Feb 2012 107
365 días [Tu reto] / 365 days [Your challenge] #34 Shutter Sisters 365 (366) # 4

Verschneites Feld - Snowy field

02 Feb 2012 161
Dieses Halstenbeker Feld gehört zum Baumschulland um Pinneberg, nordwestlich von Hamburg. Hier wuchsen Exemplare von prunus avium, der Vogelkirsche (Baum des Jahres 2010), doch seit geraumer Zeit ist es leer, man findet nur noch kleine Namensschildchen. Mich faszinierte, wie der Schnee diese Ackerfläche mit ihren tiefen Furchen modelliert hatte. This field in Halstenbek is part of "tree nursery country" around Pinneberg, to the northwest of Hamburg. They used to grow prunus avium here (wild cherry or bird cherry), you can still find little name signs but the field itself is bare. I was fascinated by the way the snow had shaped the lines and furrows of the field.

yellow sail

11 Mar 2013 216
It's spring at Lake Krupunder - men are behaving like little boys playing with their model sailboats. This one is a lovely example, its yellow sails make for a colourful spot on the water, almost like a brimstone butterfly. Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal. View Awards Count