Queen Breaca's photos with the keyword: Niedersachsen

grey heron

12 Sep 2013 200
Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.

winter sun on the pavement

31 Dec 2012 125
Uneven pavement, a kerb, some dried grass, and a bit of sunlight - spotted by chance, while I was pointing the camera down to change some settings.

Elbfähre vor Zollenspieker

05 Mar 2013 145
Was für ein wunderschöner sonniger Tag: Nach dem Mittagessen in einem Fischrestaurant spazierten meine Mutter und ich ein wenig auf dem Deich und sahen der Elbfähre zu, wie sie emsig zwischen Hoopte auf der niedersächsischen Seite und Zollenspieker in den Hamburger Vier- und Marschlanden hin-und herging. What a glorious, sunny day at the river: After lunch in a fish restaurant my mum and I walked along the Elbe for a bit watching the ferry between Hoopte and Zollenspieker.

chairs in a shop window

03 Oct 2012 131
Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.

330|366: café minimal

03 Oct 2012 165
Another camera club excursion to Lueneburg - taking pics in company is good, sitting around in cafés is almost better, at least it's an integral part of our outings. No Lueneburg weather today - which means it wasn't raining.

174|366: Schachbrettblumen, so weit das Auge reich…

13 May 2012 176
Hier im Junkernfeld in der Seeveniederung blühen jedes Frühjahr (Ende April bis Anfang Mai) lila und weiße Schachbrettblumen (Fritillaria meleagris) auf den unter Naturschutz stehenden Wiesen des so genannten Junkernfeldes. Es handelt sich meines Wissens um das größte Vorkommen dieser schönen, jedoch leider stark gefährdeten Lilienart in Deutschland.

Alte Weide - old willow

18 Mar 2012 163
Picturesque old willow trees line the lower part of the river Seeve shortly before it flows into the Elbe.

sunny afternoon at the river

18 Mar 2012 151
Picturesque old willow trees line the lower part of the river Seeve shortly before it flows into the Elbe.

dragon child

18 Mar 2012 147
Doesn't it look as if a dragon baby lived in this old willow tree on the river Seeve, south of Hamburg?

49|366: Das Hünenbett im Klecker Wald

27 Dec 2011 1 218
Dieses steinzeitliche Großsteingrab unweit meiner Heimatstadt Buchholz lernte ich bereits als Kind kennen, da meine Eltern mit mir oft Fahrradausflüge unternahmen. Es machte damals einen verwahrlosten Eindruck auf mich . Heute hingegen wird es vom Harburger Helms-Museum verwaltet und sieht sehr beeindruckend aus. I got to know this megalithic tomb near my hometown of Buchholz as a child, when my parents took me on bicycle trips. It seemed rather dilapidated to me then. Today it is being cared for by the Harburg Archaeological Museum (Helms-Museum) and looks very impressive. (Its colloquial name means "Giant's Bed".)

kühe im teufelsmoor - cows in the "teufelsmoor"

15 Aug 2013 1 1 181
After three weeks of holidays in the rain I returned to my home turf - the north of Germany - and was rewarded with a truly hot summer's day which I spent in and around Worpswede. This shot was taken in the evening sun. Thanks to my four-legged models for their leisurely moooooooooooovement. In English the name "Teufelsmoor" means "Devil's Bog". Worpswede used to be the home of an artists' colony known as "Worpsweder Maler" (Worpswede painters), the most relevant of which (in my opinion) were Paula Modersohn-Becker, her husband Otto Modersohn, Hans am Ende, Fritz Overbeck and Heinrich Vogeler. Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.

am fluss - at the river

18 Mar 2012 1 202
Picturesque old willow trees line the lower part of the river Seeve shortly before it joins the Elbe. Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.