Queen Breaca's photos with the keyword: Nebel

hammershus mit schafen/with sheep

11 Sep 2013 1 177
Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.


27 Jul 2013 183
Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.


24 Nov 2012 203
A peaceful, melancholy November landscape in the marshes? Please look at the notes to find the truth.

Lister Hafen im Nebel

18 Feb 2013 159
Ein nebliger Sonntag im hohen Norden von Deutschlands nördlichster Insel, Sylt. Der Rettungskreuzer "Minden" der DGzRS ist gerade eben auszumachen. Misty Sunday in the very north of Germany's northernmost island of Sylt. Lifeboat "Minden" is barely visible. View Awards Count


13 Nov 2011 148
Sonntagmorgen: Die Sonne kämpft sich durch den Nebel, ich stehe unter der Köhlbrandbrücke - und plötzlich taucht das Windrad aus dem Dunst auf. Sunday morning: The sun's fighting the fog, I'm standing underneath the Harbour Bridge (in Hamburg, not Sydney) - and suddenly that wind turbine pops out of the mist!

buchen im november / beeches in november

18 Nov 2011 232
Ich musste einfach anhalten und dies Foto aufnehmen, obwohl ich für meinen Werkstatttermin zum Winterreifen-Aufziehen bereits verspätet war. Der Kontrast zwischen den goldbraunen Blättern und den nassen schwarzen Baumstämmen zog mich an, dazu noch der zartgraue Nebelschleier im Hintergrund. I just had to stop the car and take this shot, although I was already late for my appointment at the garage to put on winter wheels. I was quite taken by the contrast of the golden-brown leaves against the blackness of the wet tree trunks, and the soft grey mist in the distance. Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.

un soir à paris (1)

27 Jul 2013 195
Copyright © Baerbel A Rautenberg (BARefoot images). All rights reserved. This photograph or any part of this photograph may NOT be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal.