Ben Salter's photos with the keyword: news

Filming the News

Filming on board

Daffodil in the news

20 Jun 2013 97
ITV News filming on board Daffodil

More Fame!

18 Aug 2011 101
Hoorah! I made the local paper today with my Great British Railway Journeys story.

Press Coverage

26 Aug 2011 90
My recent boat trip with the Desert Divas made it into our local paper! With this fine picture by fellow flickr'r Ian Dyer .

Camera platform

29 Apr 2011 124
Daffodil is fast becoming one of the most popular boats on the Bay. With many charter bookings now in the pipeline. Here is ITV News shooting some links on board.

Media whore?

29 Apr 2010 88
Yet more fame as yours truly makes it into yet another paper! This was the Penarth Times today. And you'll be hearing me on the Roy Noble show in May on Radio Wales! The picture top right is by my WFC friend suh73