dolores666's photos with the keyword: Empires


18 Sep 2020 8 5 318
Have a heart. For the homeless, the landless, the forcibly deracinated, the viciously pushed around, the thoughtlessly bulldozed, the despised, the lonely and the ignored. For all the declared non-persons in cold blood by the bullies of the global playground, just because they can. And for the Palestinians, for the First (soon to be Last) Australians, and the Chagossians, dying of broken hearts in some begrudged shanty corner east of Madagascar. This is, again, for Zoraida aka Arsaytoma. I miss you and your drawings, girl.


02 Feb 2019 6 8 489
For Venezuela. Postcard from the icy outer marches. You know that these are truly bad times when a big strapping MegaTeddy goes around carrying teddy bears of his own. Indeed, these are times beyond awfulness, what with Brexit looming and the Imperial Mafias going in full tilt for a hard coup d'état in Venezuela. Another Chile, another Guatemala, another Panama, another country that refused to bow down to the Masters of the Universe is about to be utterly destroyed, as opposed to merely being mortally destabilized over decades. The vassal states, the European indentured peons of the God-appointed Owners of All the Earth, in a prodigious display of grovelling cocksuckery not seen since the grotesque invasion of Iraq, have all joined in the fun & games and piled up fire, brimstone and wilfully ill-informed condemnation upon (and in the case of our very own Vatican City of London, stolen the gold of) the legitimate government of a country that never was a threat to anybody. All except Italy, Bumba help us. And that’s why times are so bloody appalling, because the only dissident voice in that deadly chorus line is that of rabid fascists like the current Italian body politic. The Empire is in a very bad shape, no doubt: paranoid, delusional, severely injured and increasingly discredited. The doctrines of Exceptionalism and Full Spectrum Dominance are tottering. The cracks are becoming trenches. And about time, too. But let us never-ever forget that there are few things more dangerous than a wounded, cornered or merely endangered big brute. And prepare accordingly. Предупрежден - значит вооружен, as a good friend of mine said once. Here’s a very nice, very illuminating link to the current Venezuelan golpista shenanigans. (Thank you, B.!): And: PS. Since YouTube has recently joined in the ever-expanding Circus of Censorship of Heretics, you’ll have to sign in to access this lovely doc. But is well worth it.


11 Nov 2018 6 11 433
It’s not nice to send your children to be slaughtered in some distant land to defend your avaricious dreams of empire, then wrap them in the flag and commemorate their loss with great displays of ersatz sentiment and buckets of crocodile tears. And almost immediately after send a new batch of cannon fodder to fight your next imbecile imperialist gamble! There. Something new: Not a fan of Kipling by any stretch of the imagination but in this case he got it so right: If any question why we died, Tell them, because our fathers lied. Something old: Malditas sean las guerras y los canallas que las apoyan. Julio Anguita