dolores666's photos with the keyword: Totems


07 Jul 2022 5 4 200
This fat little beastie totemic Merry, subtle and polemic Has witchings and jujus aplenty Because of his modus vivendi: Batty, gainly and ecumenic. This plump little creature sublime, A totem who’s now in his prime, Has magic and purges galore That will thrill and shake your core And rid you of all mental grime. (This chubby organism totemic Is trying to start a pandemic Of sweet rebel anarchism Even if that means a schism With some pompous academic.)


27 Feb 2020 9 8 426
Wandering as lonely as a lead balloon among the Hills of Temporary Oblivion, not a sodding daffodil in sight, I came across the tutelary spirit of the region, the Solid Marble Maiden. I introduced myself very politely and asked her for political asylum. She was much amused and not a little bemused, but she was also very polite and quite sweet about the strange request and said she’ll look into it, since she’s not sure she can grant such a boon on a) short notice and b) to a perfect stranger with no more recommendation than the company of a small snake and no local sponsorship whatsoever. I said I’d have a word with the local Shoggoths, or even the Ineffable Shub-Niggurath. At the mention of the Ineffable One, miss Solid Marble’s eye’s brightened and immediately said that my application was very likely to be successful, as she has tea & cakes regularly with the tremendously fertile Black Goat of the Woods With Far Too Many Churumbeles. Awaiting the verdict, I remain, yours sincerely, despondent, semi-desperate and as stubborn as ever.