dolores666's photos with the keyword: Idiots


28 Jun 2021 7 8 210
aka Pots & Kettles. Honestly folks, I don’t know where are we to find the patience to put up with this heap-a-caca. One grotesque evil-looking prat who broke the lockdown rules to “get his eyes tested” rebuking one putty-faced idiot for snogging his bit on the side; and a lumbering tittering, dribbling cretin spewing bollocks at an Olympics level stalking the national psyche (And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?), whilst out there in the wings the pestilent Patel brute bides her time, waiting for the right moment to stage a coup and take over the whole kit and caboodle. It’s as the wee monster calls it: the Kitchenware Wars; a lot of degraded pots calling a lot of noxious kettles black. It’s a pretty crummy state of affairs when small, insignificant worms and monsters know better what’s what than we do ourselves. I mean enough of us did vote for this lot, didn't they? And while we’re on the subject of smooching…some women must be really and truly either blind, or desperate, or just plain stupid. Or, indeed, thoroughly venal and self-serving. Who on Earth would want to touch Matt Hancock with the ten foot proverbial, let alone snog him, for crying out loud? The mind boggles… ‘ere, ‘ave a po’m and a spiffing week. Epitaph on a Tyrant Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after, And the poetry he invented was easy to understand; He knew human folly like the back of his hand, And was greatly interested in armies and fleets; When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter, And when he cried the little children died in the streets. W.H. Auden


25 Aug 2019 6 4 418
aka The Madness of King Trump. You know someone has lost it for good when they start issuing decrees and universal orders. (Not to mention trying to buy large islands...) Not that I had any doubts, ever, that the Strumpet was a nutter. But by now it must have become clear to the most myopic and/or pusillanimous of observers that the guy’s gone totally off the rails. Why, even the non-stream media is beginning to use the same “crude” language* as I’ve been using for quite a while. When it comes to imperial politics it’s a waste of time to mince your words and use polite euphemisms, don’tyouthinkso? *


04 Jul 2019 4 11 515
aka Dialectic Cul-de-Sac. Or as the Spaniards would say, un diálogo de sordos, o de besugos, a dialogue of the deaf. Or between two idiots. In Spanish besugo, sea bream, is one of the many synonyms of idiot; don’t ask me why for as far as I know sea bream aren’t particularly dumb. Here’s a picture of one. I think it looks rather cute and perhaps a tad pissed off –owing to its negative reputation, no doubt. But I digress. What I wanted to say is that 99.9% of the political so-called discourse, these days, seems to run along the lines of a dialogue between a couple of particularly deaf and obdurate sea bream. That’s all. Have a nice rest of the week and a spiffing weekend. Have another young angry sea bream. Por mucho pan…:-) NT. The “Garabatum” of the Cod Latin title stands for garabatos, doodles in Spanish.