dolores666's photos with the keyword: Symmetries


04 Sep 2019 6 6 469
This is a reproduction of the stained glass rosette that graced the front of the old decrepit church at the top of Federal Hill, Providence, RI, where the cult of the Starry Wisdom took temporary residence until its outlandish shenanigans became too much and the local authorities closed it down and disbanded the faithful. Officially, at least. Years down the timelines, some idiot called Blake stirred things up and there were more numinous carry-ons and subsequent mystical trouble. To cut the story short, the church kind of blew itself up, or the Dweller in Darkness, or Haunter of the Dark, or whatever preternatural thingummybob inhabiting the steeple, blew it up whilst effecting its escape. Or some such shit. The Rosette, naturally, shattered into microscopic smithereens and became a dust so fine that was able to infiltrate the eyes, and then the brains and finally the DNA of many local politicians. The rest, alas, is history. It does kind of explain Trump, Henry Kissinger and Dominic Cummings, innit? On a totally unrelated note (but I include it here because it cheers me up): it’s been SO nice to see Bojo bite the dust spectacularly. Mustn’t get complacent, though. This kind of Terminators have a knack of picking themselves up, dusting the opposition down and starting all over again…and again…and again. Just like the many dwellers in darkness of old. Eyes peeled, people!


31 Aug 2019 8 8 447
Something cheery and colourful for the weekend. This are the Four Tadpoles of the Apocrylapsus and their All-Singing, All-Dancing Hermeneutic Bludgeons. They be the official badge of the Awkward Gits Syndicate clan of Lippy IV, near the Seven Sisters in the constellation of Taurus. They, the Gits, that is, dislike Freud and worship nothing and nobody, but are very, very fond of speaking harmless piffle as if it were gospel. They are friends of the Shoggies and the Li-Lo and they visit us whenever they can. They are superb cooks and, like the Shoggies, great collectors of silly jokes; the sillier the better. Would that their emblematic tadpoles were dwelling in in 10 Downing St!


27 Aug 2019 5 9 394
Star & Balloons. Waiting for the next rant (and this ‘orrid heat wave to subside), here’s some pretty stuff. We all like pretty stuff, innit? Good for the eyeballs. Keep cool, drink lots, stay indoors.