dolores666's photos with the keyword: WiseMonsters


01 Sep 2023 2 3 155
Dude! You’re right. So this one is for you. ;-) Here’s a sweet little family scene. Mrs. Dino and her young daughter Lilly have gone for a wee walk and met the ineffable Shub-Niggurath rambling upon the hills and brooding in the forests and being permanently unhappy, as it’s Her wont. Mrs. D. never misses an opportunity to give wise counsel, whether solicited or not, so here she is telling the Shubby to chill out and relax and smell the flowers. It’s all very well, though, for the laid-back saurian to give such advice; she has a nice Mr. Dino back in the swamp, who helps with the cleaning and tidying and the communal babysitting. And only one nipper, so far. Whereas the poor old incomparable Black Goat of the Woods has 999* Young -all very badly behaved and inclined to rioting at a drop of a hat- no mate to help with the rearing and education of said juvenile yahoos and hardly ever a babysitter -which is not surprising as She tends to eat them, bless Her monster socks. I do do the odd stint as Young-minder when I can see that She’s getting really stressed. The Wee Worms chip in and that gives the Ineffable One a chance to piss off to beautiful Lake Hali for a long weekend. In exchange for the respite She tells me “things”. Give and take, that’s out motto. *999 because one of Her Young took off some years gone to travel the Void and have adventures and, most significantly, to stay away from music lessons in general and flutes in particular, with which he had a thorny relationship (basically he broke them). Young 753 as he then was (now renamed Oops by Lavinia, the Hyper-Penguin) is doing very well and dutifully writes home regularly -which doesn’t stop Mother from grumbling about filial ingratitude. Cría cuervos... She mutters now and again. Secretly, though, She’s dead proud of Her intrepid and enterprising offspring.


28 Apr 2020 6 12 506
Mazed Monster. Voilà! Another handy All-Purpose Gripe Indicator. You’re welcome. Here are some of my favourites from this past ten days or so: 1. Trump’s new, improved infallible remedy for COVID-19. Next it’ll be bleach, I daresay. 2. Tony Blair urging the herd to give up more (and more?) of their progressively dwindling civil liberties for a bit of safety … which no one intends to deliver. After all a) you don’t tell the frogs that you mean to drain the pond and b) the only reason you keep your cattle “safe” is to better slaughter them when the time comes. 3. The presence of don Dominico in that pantomime advisory committee of “scientists” Have a lovely week. And un po’ di mu’ (of sorts), of course: Stop Press. I was forgetting 4.:This new spy-on-all-caper, whatdotheycallit? track and trace?


16 Nov 2019 4 9 518
ClipArt Master Plan. The one drawback I can see of not being religious at all is that you can’t believe in an afterlife and therefore a heaven or a hell, or even in a post corporeal reckoning of some description, not even reincarnation as a tapeworm. Which is a shame when it comes to fantasizing about the many possible unpleasant hereafter fates of Ms Patel, our gruesome current Home Secretary. I mean she makes Michael Howard look like a boy scout, she does. Oh well, there you have it. We keep on allowing clowns and psychos into 10 Downing St. and that’s what happens. I daresay than come December 12th we will even vote them in. Again. This time with a proper “mandate” (whatever that is when it’s at home…) This is for the travellers she so hates. Today it’s them. Tomorrow…it could be you. Let’s hear it with Ojos de Brujo: La mochila que llevamos Va cargaita de piedras Del abismo ya nos viene Esta mala condición Sólo nos queda la rumba Y una buena bulería Un bailecito por tangos Y el cante del Camarón PS. The four wee monsters at the bottom of the pic are slightly modified free clipart/stickers/emojis/whatnot gizmos wot came with one of the few dozen drawing apps I amass heedlessly and merrily in my tablet. I’ll be damned if I remember which one.


10 Nov 2019 6 10 552
I've had a spiffing idea: this year you do the Memorial Rant. I'm tired of banging on about a subject on which practically everything has already been said and fat good it does, too. Not that I haven't got anything to say that I haven't said before but I simply can't be arsed. There. The small monster's text is from Leonard Cohen Story of Isaac.


15 Oct 2019 5 7 605
This is for anyone who still has doubts about what kind of country Britain is becoming. You know the old saying on how to boil a frog, don’t you? Well, the water just went up a few degrees. Not that we didn’t have loads of warning signs. My heart is with the twins all the way and back.


13 Jul 2019 7 7 478
Just a little piece of his outrageous nibs’ mind with a dash of strategic advice. Sounds like an excellent plan to me. Stay cool, groove on and have a spiffing weekend. PS. I dedicate this to Chris Williamson. Is very rare for me to have any time, let alone sympathy, for a politician but it’s good to make exceptions. Fraudulent nonsense ought to be fought, tooth & claw, wherever and whenever met.


15 Apr 2019 4 4 571
Here’s just a little something to keep the juice flowing, now it seems to be back. See the acute Cagnolito of Tindalos and her mate, the Wholly Furious Fish, expressing their considered opinion on the subject of Brexshit, Theresa May, the Tories, that bunch of big girl’s blouses that call themselves the Labour Party, you name it. Also, a side, snide nod to the 100th anniversary of the Amritsar Massacre. Since nobody seems to have the basic decency to apologize for it, we’ll do it, although it’s really no skin of our long-suffering snouts. And while we’re at it, also for the Black Hole of Calcutta and the Bengal Famine, and the Chagossians, and for all those weapons Britain is selling to the bleeding Saudis so they can obliterate Yemen. There. Have a maaaarvelous week.