dolores666's photos with the keyword: WiseAnimals


26 Sep 2020 5 7 280
What else is there to say. Listen to the Bear. Watch the voodoo dollies dance. Stay sane!


24 Mar 2020 8 8 462
It’s a little known fact that our galaxy is guarded by a couple of hyper snakes called Tilly and Tully who are distant cousins of Odile, the Strident Sneak. Tilly is the mother of Tully. Tully is very young, a little vain and still a bit wet behind the ears but she’ll do very well, Tilly thinks. They consider the Milky Way to be their precious pearl and so they guard it fiercely. Their verdict on and advice to us, poor carbon-based humanoid bipedal peasants is: You are fools. You must stop being fools. I’d listen to them if I were you. Here, have a wee bit of juicy gossip: Stay sane.


19 Mar 2020 9 7 491
No comment needed. Let the moggies do the talking. But...have a shufti at this:


17 Mar 2020 7 8 434
Again, feel free to associate this image & message to the inept handling of the CV-19 predicament by our dear leaders; or to the puke-inducing servile party line taken by the Daily Mail re. King Clown’s latest “cute” proclamations. Personally I dedicate it to one of my favourite objects of my contempt: the creators, promoters, instigators and fuel-feeders of that most disgraceful of capers of the past couple of years, the (Silly) Catalan Question. Far too long since I picked on them. May they all rot in some tailor-made Hell. And here’s why: This article is a poor rehash of a couple of articles I found in El País and Público a few days ago. The ones in the Spanish papers were better and juicier (and more detailed on the Cervantes/Shakespeare connection), but this one will do. See, even the Guardian has its uses, sometimes. And here’s one to that most surreal -and still inexplicable- of sagas, the run on toilet paper (in Spanish): And one to a simply marvellous bit of relatively unrelated but utterly divine surrealism: Have a spiffing, panic-free week. And un po’ di mu’, of course.


14 Feb 2020 10 11 503
Love Sneaks. A Weird Valentine for an Aching World. One of the best things about living by your own rules and making your own traditions is that you can break them and skip them as you see fit. So, this year, almost as a protest (but not quite) I’ve done a rum version of a valentine. It’s dedicated to Anita O’Day, who did a delicious, sensuously lazy version of that rather bland song. And to my mate, the learned professor don Ricardo Hinks, because I remember once, a long time ago, we discussed apostrophes over coffee and hot chocolate. And of course, to all the lost souls out there wot are dragging themselves best they can along the disconsolate trails of life-after-Brexshit. If you can call it life. Also, this year, no anti-schmaltz feast. We are too busy planning the R-Evolution, which is more needed that ever it was. Make your own (both the fest and the R-Evolution). But have a spiffing 14th of February all the same. And remember: language matters. Language precedes though. You get raised by toads, you’ll never evolve beyond croaking. You don’t mind how you speak and soon enough you won’t mind how you behave. And so on. Have un po’ di mu’and a couple of links with fangs:


27 Nov 2019 6 7 559
ClipArt Monsters’ Dirge. Here’s a small token of my contempt for that ghastliest of all our ex-prime ministers, Tony “Liar-Liar-Pants-On-Fire” Blair, who keeps on resurfacing, like a particularly malicious revenant. Also, a special, tailor-made ad hominem attack and a curse upon his obnoxious head: May the Harpies foul your table and rot the very food in your mendacious mouth. And may the Undying Worm eat your eyeballs from the inside. And may the Night Mare send her brood to plague your unpleasant dreams -and the dreams of the MSM indentured pundits that still maintain that you were a “pretty regular guy”- to the ends of the viable universe and beyond. There Coming soon: Peripheral Italian saints. PS. There are many good reasons for my obsession with this kind of GM (Graphically Modified) clipart creatures wot come free with some apps. One is that some are too cute not to do things to and with -we seem to be made for each other. Another is that I feel very sorry for them. Why, most of them will end up decorating someone’s god-awful selfie, or the snaps of him getting pissed and puking in Magaluf, or, Bumba forfend!, the pics of her latest breast implants. Frankly, the poor wee things are better off working for me, dontyouthinkso?


18 Nov 2019 8 13 563
Joke. A guy walks into a bar, left foot forward, and offers to buy everybody a drink. He gets shot. A rosary-clenching, Bible-wielding lunatic walks into the same bar and says that from now on everybody’s gonna have to pay for the very air they breathe. He gets feted sky high and proclaimed Saviour of Mankind. Meanwhile, back outside, the planet is going to pot. The end.


10 Aug 2019 5 6 418
As it says on the tin. Have a splendid weekend.


06 Aug 2019 4 6 408
What’s that? You though because having done the Cagnolitos and the Tadpoles I’d stop mining the Tindalos vein? Think again. Here be the delicious Foxis, also native (if the term can be applied to these creatures) of the same enigmatic and dicey locality. They have temporarily deserted their home dimension (again, a relative term in this case) to throw some light on the subject of language and meaning and on some of the perversions, distortions, corruptions, misconceptions and similar shenanigans so hysterically in vogue lately. Slanted language breeds disordered thoughts which in turn often lead to despicable actions. Have a nice day. A man may take a drink because he feels himself to be a failure and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. The point is that the process is reversible. George Orwell False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. Socrates


24 Jun 2019 3 5 419
As I never tire of saying, good news are few and far between. So when there is some, we get inordinately excited and happy and we feel like having a picnic. This week’s good news is that after nearly three years of faffing about, that infamous epitome of dribbling evil, that paradigm of rancid misogynistic “masculinity” wot calls itself La Manada are finally in prison. Also, the offence has been upgraded from “sexual assault” to what it really was, a rape of the most vicious, revolting and unthinking kind. The sentence, too, has been upped from a measly 9 years to a merely insufficient 15 years. Call themselves The Pack? Animals don’t do to their females what these … things did to that poor girl. May they rot in jail and may they get served by some Neanderthalish fellow inmate as they did to her. Certain things are not to be forgiven. In fact, to forgive them is almost akin to condoning them. And that goes for you too, Mr. Bolton, Mr. Bannon, Mr. Johnson. Plague take you all!


20 May 2019 3 6 499
No comment needed, really, except a quick, brief-but-savage jeer at the endless hypocrisy of the soi-disant Free World, plague take them. As I said before, in imperial politics what’s good for the goose is seldom good for the gander. Gulf of Tonkin Incident, anyone? Douce Mère de Bumba, priez pour nous…


03 Feb 2018 6 5 452
I have one thing in common with Donald “The Quack” Trump: we both despise the soi-disant liberal media; and yet one thing in common with the self-proclaimed free press: we both despise Trump. The Strumpet despises the media and the media despises The Trumper. And I despise both and, were they to know me, they’d despise me. Funny thing this contempt caper, innit? Iain Banks has a rather witty rant about this merry-go-round of disdain, somewhere in Consider Phlebas. If I could be bothered I’d find & quote the full passage, but I can’t. So here’s good old Odile with her take on the subject. This here doodle, by the way, is for ALL of them toxic, mendacious, equivocating and brain-scrambling mediatic outlets but, for one day only, I dedicate it as a specific reference/ad hominem attack to El País, because it has been specially pissing me off, of late, but which I still rate above the The Guardian because it carries a cartoon by Forges, the One & Only, on regular basis. That deep.