dolores666's photos with the keyword: AnimalShenanigans


22 Jun 2018 6 11 398
Cow Girls. They are chubby and happy with it. They love cattle, crappy jokes and the wines of Valdepeñas. They worship no one and they have no master. (Or mistress, for that matter.) But they are on excellent terms with a demi-Viking demiurge who is distantly related to the Morrigan (who knows a thing or two about livestock). They have horns and will travel. They are NOT meek. Stop Press In view of the latest shenanigans regarding that bunch of assholes known as La Manada (they’re out, set free by some ghastly judicial brainless bastard - look it up, I can’t be bothered with links and things), I dedicate this family pic to them. May they know, someday, somewhere, somehow, what being chased with intent and ravaged by a bunch of rabid freaks feels like. And may they rot in Hell, of course. Always.


03 Jan 2018 5 8 582
Fish Fight (Happy New Year, Iran.) There has been conflict in the DeepDeepDeep these past few days. Tempers are being lost and tensions ratcheted out of the blue and for no apparent reason. Scales fly, and here and there silly arguments erupt at a drop of a hat. The natives are restless. We suspect the usual suspects. You know, they who discovered a while back that is easier and cheaper to destabilize a country than invade it; or, if you really must invade, get some other clown to do it for you. This way you'll avoid (direct) accusations of being a psychotic bully and of trampling on human rights and international law. Neat trick, if you can swing it. In this here scene the Big Fish is indicting the Little Fish with having sent a postal order for £5 to the Cod Quota Liberation Mafia. Or maybe it was the Free Catalan Burial of the Sardine Cultural Cabal, I forget. The point is that there's not the tiniest grain of truth in said accusations. The Little Fish hasn't got two bits of plankton to rub together, let alone a fiver to spare on political movements for which he cares not at all, what! The Big Fish knows that, but he's been listening to the Today’s Program on Radio4 on an empty stomach and that's something nobody should ever do, for it is a well-documented fact that doing this can cause mental derangement, brain fuzz and rank paranoia. As a matter of fact, it's advisable not to listen to the BBC altogether, full stop. And may the sweet Mother of Bumba protect Iran. Here, have an obscure cultural reference link:


14 Apr 2016 2 3 602
For Federico, who wrote, and for Paco, who sang, and for Maria Clara, who likes them both. El lagarto está llorando. La lagarta está llorando. El lagarto y la lagarta con delantaritos blancos. Han perdido sin querer su anillo de desposados. ¡Ay, su anillito de plomo, ay, su anillito plomado! Un cielo grande y sin gente monta en su globo a los pájaros. El sol, capitán redondo, lleva un chaleco de raso. ¡Miradlos qué viejos son! ¡Qué viejos son los lagartos! ¡Ay cómo lloran y lloran. ¡ay! ¡ay!, cómo están llorando! Federico García Lorca. Canciones para niños Mr. Lizard is crying. Mrs. Lizard is crying. Mr. and Mrs. Lizard with little white aprons. They have inadvertently lost their wedding ring. Oh, their little ring of lead, oh, their little leaden ring! A large sky without people carries the birds up in its balloon. The sun, round captain, wears a satin waistcoat. See how old they are! How old the lizards are! Oh, how they cry and cry, oh, oh, how they are crying! (Slapdash translation by yours truly)