dolores666's photos with the keyword: Bugs


11 Dec 2024 2 3 127
Here to remind us of what is what. The brevity and futility of life and also its ineffable beauty. The near-impossibility truly to know another soul. The equivocal, ever-changing nature of “reality” and the utter yummyness of iced coffee. Have a splendid life.


14 Feb 2024 7 6 234
AntiValentine 2024 Decided to break with tradition and upload this year's AntiValentine card on Valentine’s Day, look you. It’s still an Anti-thingummybob, though. So, here they are, a couple of bitching Love Bugs, to remind us that luuuurve is not always the plain sailing the Fluffy Brigade would have us believe. Mr. LB is accusing Mrs. LB of a deficit in fondness just because she failed to appreciate his re-arrangement of their love nest along the latest diktats of fashionable Feng Shui. Mrs. LB has temporarily lost patience with her old mucker’s vagaries and she’s responding in kind. (Don’t worry, folks, they will make up soon enough. They are Love Bugs after all, innit?)


17 Feb 2019 4 5 441
Here, as a free public service, is one of those useful, All-purpose Grievance Indicator tools I love so much. Just enter your gripe of choice along an imaginary line, anywhere you fancy, and you’re off! Brexshit anyone? Incoming Spanish elections? Carles Puigdemont’s brain –or lack thereof? Turning Point’s tactics? The choices are endless, alas. There’ll be another one along very soon so you’ll have even more choice of j’accuse gizmos. Since choices in general are getting fewer and meaner, I dare say this is better than nothing –if not much, I must admit. Some info on Turning Point (know thy enemy…): And one to mark the passing of a very nice man: As I was just saying…choices are getting scarce. Farewell, Jeremy. And this is for the pure joy of it. To remind myself that people can still be kind for the shear sake of being kind.


27 Aug 2018 6 7 358
Been a tad fragile lately, so I recruited the Bug Patrol to come and lend a claw or two in the fight against The Blues. Since these chappies never travel alone, they brought their friends and relatives and all in all we hand a grand, righteous groovy time of it. Please note the presence of the Celestial Sardine and Manu, the Bird of Reason, both absent from my neck of the wood for quite a while because they are both in great demand elsewhere; the Sardine for her outstanding skills as an all-’round entertainer and Manu simply much needed, end of. If you ever get overwhelmed by the uncommon amount of politico-mediatic bullshit floating about right now, drop me a line and I’ll send the merry brigands your way. Free of charge, por la cara. There. Have a maaarvelous week. And here’s today’s lesson of my very own Spanish for Beginners: Translation: With this picture you can explain to a child what the Right is all about: you climb to the top standing on everybody else’s things and if you see that you’re going to topple and bust your ass you snatch the flag and use it as a parachute. And a wee “obituary” to cheer you up.


24 Mar 2018 5 7 423
Baby Bug For Aki Kaurismäki, who puts his trust in Dogs. The Red Mood persists. I’m considering making a copy with the text in Catalan, changing theBoris bits to, say Puigdemont -or any of those pathetic “exiled” non-starters wold-be candidates to the presidency of the Generalitat- and sending it to my little brother, who is suffering greatly under the strain of the ongoooooooing political Panto. A word about the Bug. A few days ago I came across a rather nice interview with the Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki in which, amongst many other things with teeth, says that the world would be better run by a dog, or even a snake, than by the lot of idiots and/or psychopaths that are running it now. It reminded me of my own assertion that a tadpole (or, for that matter, a bug) could do a better job at managing the whole planet that any of the current politicians and their meat puppet-masters, the International Money Mafias. For the love of Bumba give me a tadpole to vote for!