dolores666's photos with the keyword: Massacres


11 Sep 2023 4 3 153
Remember,remember 11 September. No, not that one. Or the one some Catalans like both to celebrate and kvetch about (how’s that for cognitive dissonance?). This is for the other-other one, the one that befell Chile 50 years ago. The one nobody likes to remember, let alone talk about. Karma, cause & effect, what goes ‘round comes ‘round, you push here something pushes back it what you will, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Or as Michel Foucault pithily said: “Where there is power, there is resistance.” But the Greening Plodder and her pal, the Mouthy Mouse, remember. And they say so , loudly and with great wealth of sordid detail. Which, of course, irritates the Sanctimonious Reverend and his tiny indentured dependant. This is a small but not insignificant part of the exercise, naturally. Never hesitate to speak heresy. These days of blatant, endless lunacy, is the only thing that makes life bearable. Well, that and teddy bears. Henry Kissinger may you rot in Hell in the company of Milton Friedman and all his minions. Have a lovely week.


06 Aug 2020 6 8 356
Here be my favourite Kokeshi doll and the Perpetually Incensed Sprite with a quick reminder of the depths human cruelty can sink to when nobody dares say “Boo!” to the bullies. Now, who was it that said that for evil to succeed all is needed is for good people to keep shtum? Or something to that effect. Obviously not enough god people are saying boo to the geese of war, seeing what’s going on in the world right now. Not to mention the enduring ignorance (wilful or otherwise), the lies and myths and the rubbish “history” that still surround that most ignominious episode. Joseph Goebbels must be in seventh heaven in his little corner of hell, he must: Repeat a lie often enough and loud enough and, hey presto! it will become the truth. One can see that his political children and grandchildren have learnt his lessons well and even improved on them. (China next?) Thank you indentured MSM. You’re doing a grand job. And thank you Edward Sodding Bernays. May you rot in a specially nasty hell for ever and ever and them a bit more.