dolores666's photos with the keyword: Blues


18 Mar 2025 4 3 19
Another Ides of March has come and gone and I'm still breathing. We sit, my friends and I, by the river of Babylon, under a cool love moon and a nice basket brimming with the fruits of our labours. We sing rousing subversive songs and we choose to hope that with a little bit of luck sooner or later we'll see an inimical corpse or two come bobbing by. We know that hope is just another self-inflicted trap but we also know that: a) at least is our own trap and not one imposed by The Man, b) that we can walk out of it whenever we wish to and c) that us cultivating such outrageous attitudes annoys Elon Musk. That alone makes our day. And night, forsooth! Easter soon come and with it the spring equinox. Have a lovely one. Meanwhile have un po' di fairly arbitrary mu' and a timeless all-purpose quote. Tradition says that Tiberius as often as he left the Senate-House used to exclaim in Greek, "How ready these men are to be slaves." Clearly, even he, with his dislike of public freedom, was disgusted at the abject abasement of his creature. Tacitus. Annals. The reign of Tiberius


20 May 2022 7 4 213
Plead the Headaches. Or at least this is how I rationalize my half (or, rather, half-arsed) absence from … all sort of things, places and positions (or should it be postures, which seems to be the overwhelmingly dominant modus operandi in, out and around the agora?) The other side of the coin, of course, is that is hardly worth my time and effort to express my thoughts, as they seem to be more out of step than ever with the mainstream groupthink of said public sphere. Interesting to note that one of the definitions of modus operandi, according to the Merriam-Webster is: A distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime. In other words, the technique(s) of a serial killer? :-) Have a splendid weekend.


21 Jun 2019 7 3 496
I appreciate that there aren’t all that many reasons for having a good Solstice. It’s coldish and miserable and it’ll probably rain later, when you’d like to have that seasonal Bonfire of the Inanities you’ve been planning for months. And any time now we’ll have a dangerous clown in 10 Downing St. And although the Strumpet is not stupid enough to want to start WWIII, some of the people behind his wretched back are cold-blooded psychopaths wot would like nothing better than a jolly old spring cleaning. Still. A Solstice is a Solstice, even this one which ushers in the declining of the light. Listen to the Moon Maiden, who makes the tides dance and the flowers grow. Resist. Bite. Stay as groovy as you can, for it annoys Mike Pompino and Barmy Bolton. And Henry Kissinger, of course. Have some music, too: Tom Lehre’s We’ll All Go Together When We Go Tom Lehre’s So Long MoM Martha Argerich. Chopin Four Nocturnes. Brigitte Engerer Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9, No. 1 in B-flat minor


03 Feb 2018 6 5 452
I have one thing in common with Donald “The Quack” Trump: we both despise the soi-disant liberal media; and yet one thing in common with the self-proclaimed free press: we both despise Trump. The Strumpet despises the media and the media despises The Trumper. And I despise both and, were they to know me, they’d despise me. Funny thing this contempt caper, innit? Iain Banks has a rather witty rant about this merry-go-round of disdain, somewhere in Consider Phlebas. If I could be bothered I’d find & quote the full passage, but I can’t. So here’s good old Odile with her take on the subject. This here doodle, by the way, is for ALL of them toxic, mendacious, equivocating and brain-scrambling mediatic outlets but, for one day only, I dedicate it as a specific reference/ad hominem attack to El País, because it has been specially pissing me off, of late, but which I still rate above the The Guardian because it carries a cartoon by Forges, the One & Only, on regular basis. That deep.