dolores666's photos with the keyword: Fragmentation


20 Apr 2023 6 5 204
Yes. Of course. By all means. Do. Fragment yourselves into a myriad sub, sub-sub and sub-sub-sub grouplets. Defend your tiny ideological patches ferociously, to the death if necessary. Break up with all those heretics that don’t agree with you 100% and hound them down till you can stand proud over their miscreant carcasses. Feel splendidly virtuous about it. Enhance your inner inquisitor and massage your self-self-esteem. And then obey, unquestioningly, the most trivial directive from Them Above. And when you and your neighbours, and your neighbour’s neighbours are all mince meat, then it’ll be time to integrate with Azathoth, who’s already ascending from the depths of its own hideous pandemonium and...coming to get you. Divide and be ruled.


16 Nov 2021 4 7 229
Why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his gender than it is for Cassius Clay to change his name? David Chappelle Scribe’s Note. Till a few days ago I had no idea who Bruce Jenner or Brother Chappelle were. So I looked them up. Young Caitlyn did not arise my interest. Young David on the other hand I can take or leave, like most comedians these days, but I’ll say that for him: he makes sone outstandingly spiffing points on some of the most vexed subjects currently making the rounds of what passes for thought these End Days. A bit like J.K. Rowling, whose books I find unreadable and whom I blame for those bloodyawful Harry Potter films, but she did tell it like it is, no holds barred, and took her flack and DID NOT recant or even apologize. Well done, folks! Resist, bite and annoy the mealy-mouthed self-righteous bigots of any kind or description. Have a splendid week.


09 Sep 2020 5 11 294
Identity Politics. When the I is king uncivil war looms. By all means, divide yourselves like common amoebas; fragment the already fragile structure that could have backed up the R-Evolution; turn your righteous causes into ideological minced meat. Accuse, censor, de-platform, wave fingers, assault, assail, persecute, cancel, make some poor bugger’s life a misery. My heroes are better than your heroes. I’m a real victim; you're just kvetching. Me too! Mee too! Go for it. Boost the inner child and reinforce your self-esteem. Feel wonderful, worthy, virtuous and “it”. Meanwhile, back at the whorehouse, the Meat Puppets and their RobocopMasters of the Universe handlers (some of which are funding your beautiful, virtuous movements, don'tyouknow), are licking their inhuman chops and having a laugh at your expense, thinking how well their mass manipulation techniques are working, and how effective, cheap and effort-saving they are. Why harass openly and directly the populace, which is very bad PR, when it can do it itself to itself so economically? And in between insane giggles, they are sharpening the machetes and polishing the button that will push the lever that will drop the pill that will make the gas. Have a nice life. And instead of un po’di mu’, one of my favourite Monty Python sketches: