Antonio's photos with the keyword: kentmere


20 Jun 2016 2 1 1092
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nikon FM2 with Kodak Tri-X 400 developed in Rodinal. Printed on Kentmere Art Classic Two trays lith: SE5+D / Catechol-NH4Cl-B Briefly toned in selenium ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


22 May 2015 17 1 843
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mamiya RZ67 Pro II with Kodak 100 TMX developed in Pyrocat-HD. A negative from a few years ago nude study printed now on old Kentmere Art Classic Lith development in Champion Novolith Toned in Polysulphide (Siena) and MT2 Carbontoner ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


11 May 2015 23 7 1019
From the series "Uffizi" ------------------------------ Nikon FM2 with Ilford Delta 3200 developed in HC-110 (B). Printed on Kentmere Art Classic Lith development in Champion Novolith Toned in Kodak Selenium 1+10 1min Bleach 1+30 20s Briefly in MT10 Gold