Andrew Trundlewagon's photos with the keyword: dragonfly

meadowhawk 3DSC 9366

17 Sep 2024 20 23 203
A male meadowhawk dragonfly (Sympetrum) with the sunlight showing through its wings.

meadowhawkDSC 1122

17 Aug 2017 4 3 296
Face of a meadowhawk (also known as darter) dragonfly (Sympetrum).

dragonfly above

28 Jul 2014 9 8 553
A darner or meadowhawk dragonfly resting on flowers. Une libellule reposant sur des fleurs

meadow-hawk 3 DSC 9199

26 Jul 2014 2 1 408
A meadow hawk or darner (Sympetrum) dragonfly at rest

meadowhawk in flight DSC 5562

13 Aug 2013 1 410
A small dragonfly or meadow hawk in flight across a flower. I have been trying to photograph a dragonfly in flight for a long time, this is the first picture to be even marginally successful, although the insect is a little smudged. Une petite libellule en vol à travers des fleurs. J'ai essayé de photographier une libellule en vol depuis longtemps, il s'agit de la première image soit même partialement réussie, même si l'insecte est un peu flou.

ANAX EYE IMG-20130619-00015

19 Jul 2013 5 1 380
A green darner dragonfly showing the "eye" mark on its forehead.


17 Jul 2013 4 1 321
A green darner dragonfly (Anax junius) photographed by cell phone. I found her on the way in to work in the middle of the city as she rested on a wall and took the morning sun