Matt Weldon's photos with the keyword: allen county
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
24 Dec 2017 |
Alley between Florida Dr and Forest Park Blvd and north of E State Blvd, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Northside in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
In this shot the glass insulator is a CD 168 Hemingray D-510. Hard to believe its been five years when this was all upgraded to a single phase circuit.
Before March 1, 1975 the top two crossarms would of been I&M while the bottom two CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne
Google street view what it looks like today with it all single circuit, even a new repaved concrete alley.,-85.1188991,3a,75y,3.95h,96.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sE553UXftAA_0JLcxyU8rkw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
18 Feb 2014 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole just west of Forest Park in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The two glass insulators are CD 218 Hemingray-660s. The transformer is an old cast iron Westinghouse.
Fort Wayne was one of those few cities where many decades ago had a choice of two electric utilities, Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) and City Light and Power (CL&P). On March 1, 1975 that would all change when CL&P was leased to I&M for 35 years.
At first I&M slowly started to upgrade the power grid doing away with the old CL&P lines while upgrading their own lines. Than about 15 years ago I&M got more aggressive about the upgrading and that progressed even faster as the lease was getting nearer. I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne after the lease was up in February 28, 2010.
After all the upgrades to the power grid two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne never got the new upgrades. Sections of the Northside Neighborhood and small sections of Spy Run Neighborhood never got the upgrades.
On the old poles the I&M lines were up on the top crossarms while the CL&P lines would be on the bottom crossarms. Sometimes down an alley the I&M poles would be on one side with the CL&P poles on the other side.
CL&P used four different glass insulators on their lines. CD 168 Hemingray D-510s, CD 218 Hemingray-660s, CD 230 Hemingray D-512s, and CD 272 Whitall Tatum 511As.
This pole got upgraded last summer along with all the other poles in the alley. I believe it is all now just a single phase circuit line. Hard to believe compare to all these lines.
To read more info about City Light and Power please go to this link.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
08 Feb 2014 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Spy Run in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Small sections of Spy Run and sections of Northside are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service. However, the last year the old poles have been upgraded in the Northside Neighborhood in most sections.
This shot shows two CD 218 Hemingray-660s on the bottom City Light and Power buckarms. Looks like one maybe both transformers are not in use anymore.This is also the first pole I've seen were steel pins are in use for the old City Light and power crossarms. The nearly full moon was a nice bonus with the late evening lighting.
Before March 1, 1975 the top crossarm would of been I&M while the bottom two buckarms CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Kimble-830 glass insulators in service use
19 Nov 2013 |
12979 Winchester Rd, Allen County, Indiana.
Wide angle shot of four CD 239 Kimble-830 glass insulators in service use south of Fort Wayne.
Here is a close up shot of the same pole.
Kimble-830 glass insulators in service use
19 Nov 2013 |
12979 Winchester Rd, Allen County, Indiana.
Close up shot of four CD 239 Kimble-830 glass insulators in service use south of Fort Wayne.The two insulators on the left are straw color and the two right ones clear.
Here is a wide angle shot of the same pole.
Kimble-830 glass insulator in service use
19 Nov 2013 |
13029 Winchester Rd, Allen County, Indiana.
A super close up shot of a straw color CD 239 Kimble-830 glass insulator in service use south of Fort Wayne.
Taken just one pole south of this pole.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
12 Nov 2013 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Northside in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sections of Northside and small sections of Spy Run are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service. Sadly, this pole about six months ago got upgraded and is all now a single phase circuit
This shot just shows a close up of the lower CL&P crossarms. The glass insulator is a CD 218 Hemingray-660. Looks like five wooden pins have failed.
Before March 1, 1975 the top two crossarms would of been I&M while the bottom two CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Here is a wider angle shot of both the I&M and CL&P crossarms.
Here is a wide angle shot showing the whole pole in the alley.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
12 Nov 2013 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Northside in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sections of Northside and small sections of Spy Run are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service. Sadly, this pole about six months ago got upgraded and is all now a single phase circuit.
This shot shows a CD 218 Hemingray-660 glass insulator along with five failed wooden pins.
Before March 1, 1975 the top two crossarms would of been I&M while the bottom two CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Here is a close up shot of just the lower CL&P crossarms.
Here is a wide angle shot of the same pole in the alley.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
12 Nov 2013 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Northside in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sections of Northside and small sections of Spy Run are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service. Sadly, about six months ago this whole alley has been upgraded to a single phase circuit.
This is a wide angle shot of a pole along an alley with a CD 218 Hemingray-660 glass insulator along with five failed wooden pins.
Before March 1, 1975 the top two crossarms would of been I&M while the bottom two CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Here is a close up shot.
Here is a close up shot of just the lower CL&P crossarms.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
10 Nov 2013 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Northside in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sections of Northside and small sections of Spy Run are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service. Sadly, upgrades to these poles have been going on the last year.
This shot shows an old GE transformer along with two CD 230 Hemingray D-512 glass insulators and one box cutout.
Before March 1, 1975 the top two crossarms would of been I&M while the bottom two CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
27 Jul 2013 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Northside in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sections of Northside and small sections of Spy Run are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service.
In this shot the glass insulator is a CD 168 Hemingray D-510 along with what looks like an older GE transfomer. Sadly, a couple days ago when I drove past these last of the old City Light and Power poles they where being upgraded completely. I'm glad I was able to photograph about 50 of the last old poles. I will say in about a year not a single old City Light and Power pole will remain in Fort Wayne.
Before March 1, 1975 the top two crossarms would of been I&M while the bottom two CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Rare remnant open wire phone line
07 Jul 2013 |
Allen County, Indiana
This shot shows a remnant lead to a single user open phone line on private property leading to a house. Looks like the open wire was cut and a small cable spliced in many years ago. The two glass insulators are CD 122 Hemingray-16 or 17.
Two wire open phone lines on old wooden side brackets were still somewhat common along the rural country roads around Fort Wayne back in the early to mid 70's. This is the last remaining remnant of an open wire phone line I know of around the Fort Wayne area.
This shot shows the next pole leading to the house.
Rare remnant open wire phone line
07 Jul 2013 |
Allen County, Indiana
This shot shows the second pole remnant open wire phone line leading to a house on private property. Looks like a small cable was adding many years later and then eventually CATV. The two glass insulators are CD 122 Hemingray-16 or 17.
Two wire open phone lines on old wooden side brackets were still somewhat common along the rural country roads around Fort Wayne back in the early to mid 70's. This is the last remaining remnant of an open wire phone line I know of around the Fort Wayne area.
This shot shows the first pole leading to the house.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
04 Jul 2013 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Spy Run in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Small sections of Spy Run and sections of Northside are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service.
This shot shows an alley crossarm on the old City Light and Power lines along with two CD 168 Hemingray D-510 glass insulators. The nearly full moon was a nice bonus with the late evening lighting.
Before March 1, 1975 the top crossarm would of been I&M while the bottom one CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Old City Light and Power Pole
27 Jun 2013 |
Packard Park, Fort Wayne
While driving around Fort Wayne this winter I discovered one more area that has the old City Light and Power poles that were in an inner city park called Packard Park. With the poles being in a city park it would only have the City Light and Power lines, whereas in the neighborhoods it would of been both City Light and Power (CL&P) and Indiana Michigan Power (I&M). On March 1, 1975 all CL&P lines were leased to I&M for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
In this park there were eight old poles that had ball diamond lighting and one intermediate pole without the lights. All eight poles with the lighting had an old transformer, box cutout, lightning arrester, and the typical glass insulator for the one wire.
This shot shows a close up of an old GE transformer, box cutout, and two CD 218 Hemingray-660 glass insulators. This pole also had the lighting on top for the ball diamond.
This shot shows the same pole in a wide angle shot showing the ball diamond lighting.
Old City Light and Power Pole
27 Jun 2013 |
Packard Park, Fort Wayne
While driving around Fort Wayne this winter I discovered one more area that has the old City Light and Power poles that were in an inner city park called Packard Park. With the poles being in a city park it would only have the City Light and Power lines, whereas in the neighborhoods it would of been both City Light and Power (CL&P) and Indiana Michigan Power (I&M). On March 1, 1975 all CL&P lines were leased to I&M for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
In this park there were eight old poles that had ball diamond lighting and one intermediate pole without the lights. All eight poles with the lighting had an old transformer, box cutout, lightning arrester, and the typical glass insulator for the one wire.
This shot shows a wide angle shot showing the ball diamond lighting with an old GE transformer, box cutout, and two CD 218 Hemingray-660 glass insulators.
This shot shows a close up of the same pole.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
17 Jun 2013 |
A shot of an old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power utility pole in the neighborhood of Northside in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sections of Northside and small sections of Spy Run are the last two neighborhoods in Fort Wayne to have some of the old CL&P/I&M poles still up in service.
This is about the oldest looking CL&P/I&M pole I've seen in Fort Wayne. The two glass insulators are CD 272 Whitall Tatum 511As.
Before March 1, 1975 the top two crossarms would of been I&M while the bottom two CL&P. After that date, I&M leased from CL&P for 35 years until on February 28, 2010, I&M would eventually become the exclusive electric service provider for Fort Wayne.
Old City Light and Power, Indiana Michigan Power U…
12 Jun 2013 |
Here is the other side or early morning shot of my previous photo of the two old cast iron Westinghouse transformers.
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