StoneRoad2013's photos with the keyword: woodland

ppd[24] Nine Ladies & Stanton Moor {7 of 7}

26 Apr 2024 1 23
Infographic / display board reminding visitors about the fire risk from open fires, bar-be-ques and camping. Seems to be largely ignored !

ppd[24] Nine Ladies & Stanton Moor {6 of 7}

26 Apr 2024 22
These blocks of stone could be the visible parts of the "North Circle" on Stanton Moor, at least I think they are, but it is difficult to tell as there are some random stones about.

ppd[24] Nine Ladies & Stanton Moor {5 of 7}

26 Apr 2024 21
A large standing stone [although it is lying down] just outside the "Nine Ladies" stone circle.

ppd[24] - Nine Ladies & Stanton Moor {4 of 7}

26 Apr 2024 1 95
This tree is just to one side of the Nine Ladies stone circle, and is decorated with what appear to be various votive offerings. . ... in this case, neither a spring nor a well but just the "rag tree" with several other votive offerings near the Nine Ladies stone circle

ppd[24] - Nine Ladies & Stanton Moor {3 of 7}

30 Apr 2024 4 2 102
The eponymous stone circle at Stanton Moor in the Peak District, which is dated to the Bronze Age. There are a number of legends as to the derivation of "Nine Ladies", including at least one fairy tale about nine ladies being punished for dancing on the sabbeth.

ppd[24] Nine Ladies & Stanton Moor {2 of 7}

26 Apr 2024 27
The right-hand side of the infographic includes a map showing the locations of four [five] stone circles, including the "Nine Ladies" and a significant array of other "standing stones" spread over the Stanton Moor area.

ppd[24] Nine Ladies & Stanton Moor {1 of 7}

26 Apr 2024 23
The infographic describing the "Nine Ladies" stone circle. As shown, it had wall around it, but that has been removed.

BtC - in the woods

12 Jun 2024 4 111
Typical Collie - following on to keep everybody together ... [walking in MiltonRigg Woods]

O&S(meme) - responsible dogs

30 Jun 2023 62
when walking in woodland, my preferred option is "stick n flick" assuming that the dog is regularly / properly treated for internal / external parasites ... in other areas I use compostable dog poop bags. Both should degrade quickly, unlike plastic ... . not my image : fair use & public education

VoR[19] - the deer or stag {3 of 3}

12 Jul 2021 132
Zoomed in to get more detail of the deer / stag. This was, I believe, formed as the result of tipping waste from lead mining, which is why the vegetation is very limited in some areas. Several decades ago, the shape was somewhat more clearly defined - and included "legs" , but I can't remember if the "antlers" were visible.

baw / spk - Hawk [1 0f 5]

20 Mar 2023 1 117
We had a surprise visitor - a Sparrowhawk. (Accipiter nisus) From the size & colouring, I suspect that this is a male. He perched on the birdtable roof, but stayed only a few minutes before flying off at some speed. I managed to get just a few images ... I'm taking the appearance of such an apex predator as a sign that there is a good small bird population locally ...

baw / spk - Hawk [2 of 5]

20 Mar 2023 94
We had a surprise visitor - a Sparrowhawk. (Accipiter nisus) From the size & colouring, I suspect that this is a male. He perched on the birdtable roof, but stayed only a few minutes before flying off at some speed. I managed to get just a few images ... I'm taking the appearance of such an apex predator as a sign that there is a good small bird population locally ...

baw / spk - Hawk [3 of 5]

20 Mar 2023 1 182
Sparrowhawk having a breather on top of the bird table / feeder. We had a surprise visitor - a Sparrowhawk. (Accipiter nisus) From the size & colouring, I suspect that this is a male. He perched on the birdtable roof, but stayed only a few minutes before flying off at some speed. I managed to get just a few images ... I'm taking the appearance of such an apex predator as a sign that there is a good small bird population locally ...

baw / spk - Hawk [4 of 5]

20 Mar 2023 105
We had a surprise visitor - a Sparrowhawk. (Accipiter nisus) - looking straight at the camera ! From the size & colouring, I suspect that this is a male. He perched on the birdtable roof, but stayed only a few minutes before flying off at some speed. I managed to get just a few images ... I'm taking the appearance of such an apex predator as a sign that there is a good small bird population locally ...

baw / spk - Hawk [5 of 5]

20 Mar 2023 1 131
We had a surprise visitor - a Sparrowhawk. (Accipiter nisus) From the size & colouring, I suspect that this is a male. He perched on the birdtable roof, but stayed only a few minutes before flying off at some speed. I managed to get just a few images ... I'm taking the appearance of such an apex predator as a sign that there is a good small bird population locally ...

clch - Welsh Forests

28 Feb 2022 103
Pleased to see the trend has changed to increased planting in Wales. Hopefully, a significant proportion of the "newer" plantations will contain native trees, preferably mixed deciduous species, and not be the land-grabbed net-zero offsetting using monoculture non-native conifers. [point of information - Llyn Tegid is also known as Bala Lake] . . Not my image : fair use & public information

gbw - regen 2

14 Dec 2016 212
Sweet Chestnut regeneration, several decades have elapsed since the original damage took place.

gbw - wet hole

14 Dec 2016 258
The woodland walk around the boundary of our holiday site passed a couple of these deep holes. Not sure what caused them, but I don't think they are natural features - mainly the sides are too steep. My suspicion is that they are bomb craters from WW2, as there were a lot of targets around here and as it's not in a field or on a road, it wouldn't have been filled in as a matter of urgency, and being in woodland, may well have been missed.

20 items in total