StoneRoad2013's photos with the keyword: lava

vol - pillow lava

29 Nov 2024 5 61
With a little imagination, this field of pillow lava [or more accurately "pahoehoe" - ] could be interpreted as bodies surrounding the gateway to hell ... actually, that's an opening in a lava tube. . not my image : fair use & public education

LaP - lava flow by 30th Sept 2021

22 Oct 2021 22
The lava flowed to the sea, which was reached on 28th September 2021, and it then proceeded to produce a delta-like addition to La Palma. This is dated 30Sept2021. [I suspect the lava colour has been enhanced]. . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

gld - aerial view of "Nar" [about 21st June 2021]

21 Jun 2021 111
Aerial view of "Nar" and the erupted lava fields surrounding the vents & fissures that started erupting on 19th march 2021. (FLO is to the left and BOB to the right, Meradalir is the valley on the far side of "Nar", much of the recent lava has ended up in Natthagi (off screen to the right). Not my Image ; Fair Use & educational purposes.

O&S - melting moon

31 May 2021 1 2 102
Very clever manipulation and the idea is very good, too. I was sent a link to this image just after I had been looking at lava flows on a webcam ... Not my image ; fair use & entertainment

gld - lava areas on 22nd May 2021

31 May 2021 108
The eastern berm had been overtopped by lava, which is now flowing into Natthagi. The purple colour shows the extent of the lava as at approx 1630 on 22nd May 2021 [The actual route has two kinks in it that are not shown correctly on the map]. The western - higher and thicker - berm has not been breached. Lava continues to flow into Geldingadalir and Meradalir (as of 2nd June 2021) as well as into Natthagi. Not my image ; fair use & educational purposes.

gld - burnt areas around the volcano

31 May 2021 103
The red areas show the zones where the vegetation (moss, lichens, some grass etc) has been burnt. The fires were started by vent ejecta [lava bombs and the like] or by direct exposure to lava flows. Situation as at 28th May 2021 (approx). {some other features are explained by notes} Not my Image : fair use & educational purposes

gld - Soar-Sentinel2-TRUE-COLOR-2021-05-04-Ver bes…

22 May 2021 115
Satellite image from "Soar-Sentinel2-TRUE-COLOR-2021-05-04-Verbessert3" The extent of the lava erupted since 19th March 2021 [to 4th May 2021] is visible. Not my Image : fair use & educational purposes

gld - webcam langihryggurN 20210508 0520

22 May 2021 137
Looking at "Nar" which was recently fountaining lava. Note, the central "lumps" in the lava channel, this is a section of Nar's cone which partially collapsed earlier. If it "grounds" and blocks the channel - currently lava is flowing around the obstructions and down into Meradalir - then some lava will be diverted into the area [valley with no name] in front of & to the left of this webcam {webcam langihryggurN 2021-05-08 at 0520, Iceland time} Not my image [webcam still] ; fair use & education

gld - New Eruptions & Lavaflows, Iceland, 5th Apr…

08 Apr 2021 10 7 251
Neue Eruptionsspalten und Lavafluss, Island, 5. April 2021 [taken from a patrolling helicopter, looking East] Not my image : fair use & educational purposes. Showing the new fissure eruptions in Iceland. The larger area to the right began on 19th March 2021, The newer fissure to the left began erupting on 5th April and the lava has already reached the neighbouring valley. During the night of 7th April, a third cone was formed, located almost midway on the direct line between the two zones shown here - the new lava flow joined both existing areas.